Small for Dates


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2007
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I've just been to see my consultant and the midwife there measured me at 31 weeks (I'm 34) so they're sending me for a growth scan.......but not til 3rd July! So I have to wait and worry for a week and a half....

Last time I saw my midwife I was measuring 26 weeks at 29 weeks and she said it was normal because I'm small myself. So why do they have to make such a big thing out of it..?? I'm 5 feet 1 and small build, I'm not exactly gonna have a biff baby!

Did anyone else measure small for dates and what happens if the scan shows the same? Did you prove them wrong and give birth to an average or large sized baby? xx
I measured small for dates and popped out a near 9lber... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: The scan will show if anything is amiss... but don't worry too you are tiny, your baby won't be huge...and the fundal height thing is poop...
I measured small for dates too! My hospital messed me around too and i went to a scan, got checked by the doctor 1st, then told i was too late for the scan now and had to go back the next week.
I had 2 scans in total. at 39+4 i measured for 35 weeks. I popped out an 8lb 3oz baby!!! I don't know how she fitted in there but she did. But i do keep in mind she wasn't a big baby, she just weighed more than most expected. Didn't look like an 8lber!
I was always 3-4cms behind on my fundal and i was quite small. I didnt get sent for a growth scan and i spent a lot of my pregnancy worrying.

I did have a small baby 5lb7.5oz but she was happy and healthy :D

Try not to worry about it we are all different and should not be compared to eachother.
yep i had a small for dates baby. i measured 4 weeks behind when they sent me for the scan at 32 weeks. after that i had growth and doppler scans each week as the scan showed that baby was small.

ended up being induced at 38 weeks as his growth hadn't increased hardly since the last growth scan and he was 5lb 4oz. apart from a few issues keeping his temperature and his blood sugar he was fine :)
I was the opposite they said I was having a very large baby but were not conscerned as Hubby is very tall. I popped out a 5lb 11oz LO so this time I am having growth scans.

DS was healthy and happy so no real harm done.

Dont worry (easier said than done) till you have had the scan as its not an exact science as you can see from our expieriences.
I was always at least 2 weeks smaller than I should have been and my baby popped out weighing 6lb 13oz, happy and healthy! A friend was measured as big for her dates and was warned to expect a 10lber but her baby popped out and was 6lb 13oz too! It works both ways! Just keep an eye on the movements- they are a more accurate way to check how happy and healthy your baby is- fundal height is such in inaccurate science!
I measured small for my dates but the hospital weren't particuly worried, my daughter was 5lb 12oz which is fairly small, but she was very healthy and soon started piling on the pounds.

Try not to worry. :)
I always measured 2 weeks behind and every midwife app
she booked me in for a growth scan and every single scan
the baby measured perfectly normal.
As much as I loved seeing Summer at the scans I got so mad
at the midwife for putting me through all that worry!!
If the baby measured normal 2 weeks ago then she isn't going to
shrink in 2 weeks!
But she kept insisting I went for the growth scan.
My friend measured small all the way through her second pregnancy, she had some growth scans and they weren't too worried but implied the baby wouldn't be anywhere near as big as her first (9lb 8.5oz) so we were all surprised when baby was born a very healthy 9lb 8oz!!

I think if the baby is growing steadily its not something to worry about as the measurements are not the most accurate in the first place!
i was always 2 weeks behind on the fundal thing but the mw never made a big deal about it and told me the measurement was fine cos i'm quite small. i nevr had to go for scans or anything. my baby was 7lb 1 when she was born. she's quite petite but nothing to worry about and not tiny :D . x

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