small birth weights


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2007
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do you think if you were small at the birth, and so was your partner, that it has any effect on your baby, and it will be small too?
DH was 6lb 9oz and I was 6lb 12oz - My DD was 6lb 8.5oz and DS (36 weeks) was 6lb 1oz. So in our cases there seems to be.
My cousin has just had a baby (number 3), her previous babies were both over 8lbs and this baby was only 5lb 15oz!! Perfectly healthy and full term, her bump was just as big - he's just so tiny! She was nearly 8lbs when she was born and her OH nearly 9 lbs.
im not sure really.

i think your diet, height and general well being will have more effect on the baby .

all mine were different weights. i was 9Ib 13 and hubby was 7Ib 4. We had a 7 pounder, 9 pounder , an 8 pounder and a 10 pounder. in that order.

the 9 and 10 pounder were similar pregnancies. I put on moe than average weight gain and ate crap. Were as the other two i hardly gained weight and ate helathy. Strange. But true
i have had 2 very different pregnancies, the first i gained 3 stone and ate like crap and DD was 6lbs 7oz and the second i only gained 1 and a half stone but still ate crap and she was 7lbs 1oz so very simialr weights. i was almost 9lbs at birth and OH was 9 and a half pounds.


Bernie was 8 pounds somthing i was 3 pounds 5 ounces.
Kiara was born at 40 weeks + 2 days 9 pounds 6 ounces , Kadyn 39 weeks +2 days at 8 pounds 14 ounces .
So i dont think it made any difference in our family :D

Apparently the mother's shoe sixe is directly related to pelvis size so if you have big feet you're more likely to have a big baby.
I was 8lb 8oz born which was big for my mum whos only 4ft 11 and weighed 6st at the time. OH was 7lb odd. I gained 4 stone with my 1st baby and she was only 6lb 11oz but with the other 2 I only gained just over a stone with each of them and they were 8lb 11oz and 9lb 5oz so I can't see a pattern at all here.
I was 6lb 9oz and OH was 7lb 3oz and Cara was 6lb 1oz so there might be a link there.
I think baby weight has a lot to do with your pre-pregnancy weight and height.
You can use the below calculator to estimate your babies birth weight. It gives you and average weight plus a weight that falls in the upper and lower percentiles. You just enter your height in CM and pre-pregnancy weight in KG.

It gives the baby weight in Grams, so I've included a link to a converter for those of you like me who need to have pounds and ounces to make any sense of the results

It gave me an average weight of 6lb 9oz for my son - He was 6lb 9.5 oz at birth....Having said that my Moms first baby was 6lb 9.5 oz, so perhaps its genetic! (Hubby weighed 6lb 6.5 at birt and I weighed 4lb 7oz).

To convert feet and inches to CM use
I was 6lbs and DH was 6lbs and Maddison was 4lbs 15oz :wink:
Tommo was 9 odd lbs i was 6lbs ds was 7lbs 8 ozs and d was 6lbs 9 ozs
DH was 8lbs something and I was 9lbs something

both our children were over 10lbs
I'd say not, I was around 5lb (just less I think) and Paris was 7lb 1oz
My OH was 5lb something and I was 6lb something, both of us overdue and induced.

Ryan was 8lb 7oz, 10 days overdue.

Also, my shoe size is 4...

Rachael said:
I think baby weight has a lot to do with your pre-pregnancy weight and height.
You can use the below calculator to estimate your babies birth weight. It gives you and average weight plus a weight that falls in the upper and lower percentiles. You just enter your height in CM and pre-pregnancy weight in KG.

It gives the baby weight in Grams, so I've included a link to a converter for those of you like me who need to have pounds and ounces to make any sense of the results

It gave me an average weight of 6lb 9oz for my son - He was 6lb 9.5 oz at birth....Having said that my Moms first baby was 6lb 9.5 oz, so perhaps its genetic! (Hubby weighed 6lb 6.5 at birt and I weighed 4lb 7oz).

To convert feet and inches to CM use

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: I just did this for what I was when I had my DD... it came out that she should be 3258g... max... 3714g...and she pops out 3925g... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Personally I think it has a lot to do with your family history.. ie did your mum carry big babies or not... My mother is only 5ft tall, size 3 shoes yet I was 7lb 12 and a month early. My uncle was 14lbs, my aunt 10lbs and my mother who was born two months early weighed in at 5lbs.
I was 5lb 12 oz, DH was 7lb ish, Isabella was 5lb 12
I was 6lb 1oz OH was 6lb 12oz and Abigail was 7lb 5oz, tia was 7lb (2 weeks early) Jordan was 7lb 1and half (2 weeks early) Hayden was 7lb 7.5oz, so they were all bigger than me and OH. lol

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