Cloth nappy using Mummys


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2005
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I'm thinking of using cloth for this baby but am wondering how difficult it is in the early days after birth? Obviously using disposables is easy as you just throw them away whereas cloth needs to be emptied of poo then washed and dried. Is it very time consuming? Also which are the best cloth nappies and how many would you recommend having? Are there any that can be used on a small baby i.e. 5/6lbs (Maddison was less than 5lbs so this baby may be small too)?
Thank you :hug:
I used cloth when seren was 6 days old, and from birth with Cally. TBH I not really known any different but I didn't find it time consumig - I was doing washes anyway so one of them being cloth made no difference. With Cally it was probably a bit easier as I had Seren in cloth too so was in a routine though I had to do a wash everyday.
I started using cloth when Finlay was about a week old and it was so easy. Probably the same as disposables. Simple once you get used it the process.

I didn't pre rinse my nappies as it was only breastfed poos so I wasn't too bothered. Just chucked them in a bucket and stuck them in the wash when the bucket was full :D Differen't story now though :lol:

I used Little Lamb nappies and they were fine for him. Finlay was 6lb 7oz at birth and we had no problems :D
Thank you for replies girls, I really like the idea of using cloth rather than disposables. I remember having to do loads of washing in the early days from the amount of sick Maddison produced so I guess chucking in some cloth nappies wont make any difference. How many nappies would you recommend? :hug:
I bought a set of 20 and they did me fine. Seem to get through that many quicker now though

You'll soon develop a cloth nappy addiction anyway and won't be able to resist buying more ;) Ask MM :D
Bee said:
I bought a set of 20 and they did me fine. Seem to get through that many quicker now though

You'll soon develop a cloth nappy addiction anyway and won't be able to resist buying more ;) Ask MM :D

Shh dont tell hubby, he thinks I'm addicted to spending as it is! :wink:
We used cloth from birth - I didn't want horrible crunchy disposables on my newborns soft skin :D For the first day we used folded muslins until we found out if meconium washes out - it does so you can use cloth straight away with out worrying about destroying your nappies :lol:

We bought bimbles to use for the first couple of months. We did the maths and as long as we used them for a month them we got our money's worth compared to disposables. We had 10 or 15 of these and we also had fluffles ready for her to grow into. We had 20 nappies in total. I think we used them for 2 months, we could probably have used them for longer but we'd bought fluffles so moved her into them anyway. DD was 98th percentile for height and there's no way she could have worn them at 6 months but she could have used them at 3 months. We did a wash every day and they dry really quite quickly. DD needed 10 nappy changes a day though as she was a champion pooer! Now we wash nappies every other day.

We used motherease airflow wraps as no one has anything bad to say about them that I can find :) We bought 3 in extra small as they do the same weight range as small they just have a slimmer cut (we had to use small with the fluffles though because they are so fluffy!).

Here are the cute tiny nappies: ... 3godbG6iCQ

As someone else said, you don't have to flush poo away until they are on solids. If you want to, you won't need fleece liners with these nappies as they have a fleece liner as a part of them. The softest disposable liners I have found are these: ... f-100.html Lots of disposable liners feel crunchy and paper-like but these don't. I wore one :oops: and couldn't feel it at all. We used these to begin with then realised that it didn't really make a difference and was just something extra to remove and dispose of so we don't now. We'll use them again soon as she starts to eat more.
Hey Snuggle,

Go for it - I went to cloth from DD being one month old, but with no. 2 I'll probably start straight away.

I recommend shaped nappies and wraps (like tots bots or Little Lambs) for getting used to them - they are very like disposables.

I don't find the washing too much I have to say, its just an extra wash every two days or so - and I pop them in the tumbler (same machine as have a washer/tumber combo) for 20 mins to soften up once they are dry.

I didn't rinse my nappies when DD was just breastfed either as it didn't really smell so they just went in the nappy bucket. Now, unless DD is teething, poos just roll off into the loo or I use paper liners on top of fleece liners so you can just bundle up the waste and nip to loo with it.

I had 16 for when DD was in the first size, I think I could've probably done with a few more - 20 would be a good number I think.

You can get size 0 which are from 5-10lbs I think. Size 1 are usually 10-20lbs and size 2 is 20-35lbs. Size 0 may be a waste of money though, you may be better buying size 1 and just folding them down - some people just buy size 2s and fold them down from day one, but they won't be expecting such a small baby.

Hope this helps

Valentine Xxx
ted was 8lb 7 and he was in newborn nappies and he didnt wear them till 3 weeks as they just didnt fit him lol we used motherease birth to potty..(they are from about 10lb tbh..and looks hugge on him) totsbots, little lambs bamboo (which take ages to dry but are nice nappies i would use cotton though) prefolds, terry flats, ellas house hemp (which were bloody amazingly thin) kooshies ultre AIO's (which are bloody aweful!) i think thats about it.. i would definaly get 15-20 its difficult to say get 15 newborn nappies as they arnt in them that long.. i would say perhaps get 7 newborns then 15-20 size ones. there are always lots of newborn pre-loved nappies going on sites as most people dont use them.. but as you have tinsey babys you might use them longer.

you will definatly save money as its about 17p per disposable nappy size 1 will last you till 20lbs and size 2 will last you till potty trained. so if you dont get an addiction you will be looking at spending about £400 (new) birth to potty..

i dont find them any extra work.. although my tumble dryer is a god send..i also wash my nappies with clothes.. and i dont soak them either..
Thank you so much everyone, you have been very helpful :D You may have just fuelled a new addiction though as I have now just bought 10 Little Lamb nappies :oops:
its a guilt free one though - with every nappy you are saving the world ;)
Mills has been in Bumgenius for the past 3 days and we find it no more hassle than disposables. Plus she seems to now object less to having a nappy put onto her. Also, check with your council, some give you a cash incentive if you want to try clothies.
I mainly use Bumgenius but they seemed much too big on my LO when she was first born (6lb 13oz) so I used disposables until she was almost 8lb. I love using washable nappies but made the mistake of buying a full set of BumGenius whilst pregnant- I wouldn't do this again as they haven't been perfect and they are very expensive. If I had my time again, I would buy a selection to try to see which works for my LO. I have used a little lamb nappy and loved it but it's too small now. I also have a Motherease one size with the airflow wrap which I love and it's really slim fitting. For baby #2 I plan to use terry squares initially and then Bimbles or little lambs or Lollipop softees until baby is bigger as Bumgenius have leaked through the leg cuffs and the runny baby poo gets stuck in the leg cuff crinkles which I didn't like. BumGenius are great during the day now my LO is bigger and the poo is more controllable! I am having night time issues though and find a boosted Bumgenius plus a wrap (which shouldn't be necessary really) usually works to keep her dry for 12 hours.
I have the bambino mio birth to potty set, was getting worried i may of brought them unessarily but everyone seems to be saying good things about cloth nappies, yay :lol:

I not sure how to use them yet is it easy? I need to practise really

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