slow labour 2nd-3rd time around


Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2012
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Just wondering if anyone has experienced slow early labour. Particularly on 2nd or the 3rd child. I thought having gone through labour twice it would happen quicker.

I started having contractions about 3pm yesterday. Got to 5 min apart by aabout 9pm. They became more painful too but iwas aware they wweren't that bad and i had a 2ay to go.

Anyway they reckoned it hadn't changed anything since my sweep the previous day.

They then started slowing and have ended up at least10 mmins apart. Though they'vebeen rreasonably consistent. They did however get a bit stronger and last a bit longer. I didn'ttthink it would have ddone anything because they were getting further and further apart. They examined me againabout 3.30am and said Ii was now 2-3cm and cervix had moved forward. I havelost a lot of bloody mucus.

it's continued like that all day so far. I'm just wondering if it's going to stop or pick up or will they do something to help progress the labour. Does anyone have any experience of something like this?
This is my third baby and midwife said to me yesterday that i would most likely experience alot of false starts with this labour and it could be very stop start but once it does start properly it will prob be v quick. Have read this on the internet too. Everyone is different tho. Hope things happen for u soon xx
Ohh could I make a comment on this I am being induced quite soon due to previous loss and partial social reasons. So half of premeditated from the toxoplasmosis and the other half is due to my very high aniexty of no control over labour, anyway, my consultant anticipated my due date as she's already sizeable or healthy and in the region of percentile, at the or should I say above the 95th for my gestation so it could be that I am further along like I thought.

So the last week or days, I have had false labour pains on and off and quite sore lower back/hip pain. At times it throbs and at times its constant. Anyway, I am having a bishops score on Monday to see how I sit with induction for the following week. I am pretty sure as this is my third it will happen quickly as I have a feeling I am in the early stages of slow labour. I especially feel under the weather at times and tired then very energetic but emotional and all over the place. So anyway, I'll ask my midwife what she thinks about early labour too. X
Sorry, No experiance of the labour bit, mine come out the sunroof but I just wanted to wish you lots of luck hun , where has your pregnancy flown to!!
Okay so early labour bit was slow but baby was born within 1 he of being told I was4cm
Yes. 6pm yesterday. 9lbs and doing well x
Have just seen other posts! Very well done and just as well because you clearly were in labour. I'm hoping I am too soon x

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