

Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2007
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I am thinking about what sling type thing to get.
Can anyone recommend one they have used and thought was really good?

I was hoping for something that i can use for a while, and can have baby facing in or out.

i like the look of the WIlkinet ones on the Mothercare website but they seem quite pricey??

Thank you!!
A mei tai (I have a Babyhawkand one from Maria) or a woven wrap would be my choices. I originally had a Baby Bjorn carrier which is apparently suitable for carrying babies up to 22lb but at 16lbs it was agony on my shoulders so I ditched it and went for the Mei Tai. I won't be using it for another baby though my OH might.

Thanks to this forum I have a bit of a sling problem :oops: Not as bad as some tho :lol:
I did a thread here that has information about the different types of slings etc.
Thanks for quick replies!!

Moss - That does look like the sort of thing I was after - but I can't believe the price of them!!!
*goes off to check ebay!!*

I had a look on Maria's website already, will look up the Babyhawk one now!!

Thanks beanie - will read that too!
If you haven't bought any and make it to a Scottish meet at some point before your bubby is grown up remind me to bring mine for you to play with :lol:
I second the Close wrap is worth every penny, I use it more than my pram and cost a fraction of the price!
when you think about buying a sling i would ask myself some questions..and perhaps the answers you give can give the members and idea of what type would suit your needs and help to guide you to pick something you will use etc.. so..

what do you want the sling for? will it be for long walks? nipping to the supermarket?..breastfeeding? housework? instead of a pram?
how long do you want to use it for? newborn? to 6 months? 4 years?
will your Oh be using it to? (some slings are measured to your frame so if your size 10 and your OH is large you will need 2)
im sure i will think of more in a mo ive gone blank lol!
Heya if ya liked the one moss has id recommend a stretchy wrap, iv got one iv been using for a week or so now and its absolutely lush, and you can change the way you use it for when bubs gets older, weve also got a sling for doing washing up and breastfeeding although i reckon with a bit of practice we could use the stretchy for that, and Oh LOVES the meitai, simple and soo effective and comfy !
I know £50 sounds like a lot but it is far less than a pram and it can be used for a long time. I like this one because it is kind of a cross between a ring and a wrap sling. It's great. I have problems with my shoulders and I can wear Jacob (now 16 pounds) for hours while walking and feel fine. It took me some practice to get the foetal position, but jacob loved it! The first time was in John Lewis where I was trying it out. He was crying and we couldn't get him to calm down but decided to try it anyway and as soon as we got him in it he went to sleep. It was the sweetest thing and it sold it to me right away.

You should try them all, though in a store that is actually helpful or snd knows what they are doing because everyone is different and what is comfortable us might not be comfortable to you. Maybe there is a group around you that will let you try them out!
I have an awful lot of slings :oops:

Our most used one is a connecta as that is OH's carrier, he doesn't like having to tie things, he prefers buckles. I bought it when she was 6 weeks old so it is definately suitable from birth to toddler. We have a solarweave one for summer and it folds down so small! Our friends all bought the Tomy or Bjorn or other types that Mothercare had in stock and by 6 or 7 months couldn't use them any more as they pull on your back and are sore for you to use. Even though I have a dodgy pelvis I could use the connecta to very comfortably carry our nephew who is 20 months and very tall.

My favourite is a mei tai made by Ocah. The one I have is called a hybrid. As I said, I have a dodgy pelvis so I really feel when I am carrying if a carrier is not supportive enough and I can't carry my daughter in my arms for more than a couple of minutes. I can carry her in this for hours! I think it may have been a bit big for her as a baby, she may have been drowned in it (though perfectly safe). We got it when she was 6 months old.

I barely used stretchy wraps because I bought a Moby and it is really thick. DD was born in May so by the time it was cool enough to use the Moby I had bought woven wraps and preferred the support. I leant slings to a friend and she had a stretchy wrap that she loved when her daughter was new but when she tried one of my woven ones when her DD was 3 months old she found that far more supportive. Woven wraps are so snuggly and great for learning on but like the bjorn they aren't supportive enough for your full comfort after 6 months.

Woven wraps have a learning curve but I just practised while baby was asleep. If you have a mirror you can practise in front of it's fine. I use woven wraps when I am going to be taking DD in and out of the carrier a lot as I find that easier with a wrap. They are very versatile and I love them! The Ocah is the only carrier I have tried that is more comfortable than a wrap. I haven't tried all the brands of mwi tai out there though but I won't be looking for any more.

I just looked back at your post and realised you wanted baby to be able to face out. It is up to you but I would really recommend against doing that. A lot of people elieve it is bad for baby's spine though I cannot find research that says this. However, there is research that it is bad for your spine as the weight is puller away from you. If you have your baby facing out they will be used to that and if you always do that by 6 months when they will be far too heavy for you to carry them facing out they may refuse to face inwards as they are not used to that. This has happened to a number of my friends. So if you are popping out to the shop for 5 minutes you have the hassle of the pushchair rather than quickly shoving on a carrier. Or when going somewhere crowded (sale shopping, Christmas lights being turned on....) baby has to be in a pushchair surrounded with legs while you can barely move trying to get around with a pushchair. And carrying them in your arms if you want them to see things. In the sling baby has a far far better view and it is a million times easier to get around. Hmm, I have warbled on at a tangent. Sorry. So, we always had DD facing in just in case someone did the research and found facing out was bad for them. So she loves to be cuddled up! When they are little they are happy just to see you and by 4 months they can look around for themselves and snuggle back in to you if they have enough of being nosy. Because she is used to facing in that is how she is happy. I really feel for our friends, especially OH's sister who is very outdoorsy but her daughter just won't tolerate facing in and at 7 months is too heavy to face out.

If you really want your baby to have the option of facing out 9after all you could sometimes have baby facing in and sometimes out so they weren't too used t faing out) and want a carrier you will get good value for money for the only carriers I would recommend would be Pikkolo by catbirdbaby which is a carrier with buckles or a woven wrap and have babies legs crossed inside the wrap buddha style. These will last until your child is 40lbs if my memory serves me correctly and genuinely will unlike ones that say they do but will pull at your back.

Buying 2nd hand would make the initial outlay smaller and then you can sell the sling on later. 99 out of 100 of the slings on ebay are not supportive enough and that is why there are so many there. I have bought and sold second hand on babywearing websites and these are also good places for more sling advice. For example, if you choose to get a woven wrap you will find there are an awful lot to choose from!
Thanks for taking the time to write such a long reply, kalia!!
I never realised there was so much to think about!!

I would rather have baby facing in most of the time, it was just to have the option of a change now and then!

lisa&alex said:
when you think about buying a sling i would ask myself some questions..and perhaps the answers you give can give the members and idea of what type would suit your needs and help to guide you to pick something you will use etc.. so..

good idea!

what do you want the sling for? will it be for long walks? nipping to the supermarket?..breastfeeding? housework? instead of a pram?
All of these! I do have a pram but think it would be easier on the bus etc to have a sling, and round the house so i can get on with things while keeping baby close.

how long do you want to use it for? newborn? to 6 months? 4 years?
as long as possible really!!

will your Oh be using it to? (some slings are measured to your frame so if your size 10 and your OH is large you will need 2)
yes he will use it too, but we are roughly the same size
im sure i will think of more in a mo ive gone blank lol!
We originally got a premaxx sling as we liked the position baby is in ...we had heard how the upright carriers puts a strain on younger babies spine if using them before they can hold their head up. However, the premaxx sling was too big for me even on the tightest setting - it hung down too low even though I'm not THAT short (5'4"). My husband used it but found it really hurt his back and shoulder. So we got a baby bjorn and haven't looked back. Really comfy and Sam now uses it facing out which he loves.


I've looked up about Wilkinet and they have mixed reviews. The bottom line seems to be that if you only use this you will think it is comfortable, it is only when you try something else you will realise that other things are more comfortable. It will be fine / great (depending on the review) to between 6 and 9 months and certainly seems to be regarded as better than a bjorn. There are a lot of reports of it being difficult to put on though.

If you are really keen on it I wouldn't recommend buying new from mothercare - for very little more you coud get a connecta (it doesn't do front facing out but it is better for both of you to face in and baby will be very happy facing in, after all, look at all the people who carry their babies on their hips facing towards them) or a pikkolo ... p-460.html and you would get years more use out of them. However, I have found an ex demo wilkinet being sold for under £10. ... p-379.html so if you wanted to give it a go you could try this and if it didn't work sell it on.

All websites I have linked to are reputable ones that I have bought from and been very happy with :D If I were you I would buy a connecta. They are very very comfortable!
Kalia, dont know about Kma but you have sold the conneta to me :lol: *Off to purchase*

That wilkinet is a bargain too, yu could resell on ebay if you didnt like and probs get more than you paid :wink:
Thanks very much kalia!!!

I have just purchased the ex-demo Wilkinet!! I don't mind spending ten pounds, it's no big deal if I don't get on well with it! It will do for starters then I will try and get a shot at some different ones once baby is here!!

Thanks so much :D I love a bargain!! :cheer:
Glad to be of service :D
And at that price getting 6 months of use is a bargain. Looking at ebay you can sell it for at least what you paid so it won't cost you anything at the end of the day!

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