Slimming world/pregnancy


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2007
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Just wanted to share my efforts with you and hope it might encourage me to keep going! I lost 3 stone with slimming world after my last baby and now I am pregnant again i am continuing with the plan. I didn't go to class until 18 weeks pregnant so I had already gained over a stone. (9 stone target weight)

My first weigh in was 10 stone 4.5. I lost 1/2 pound the following week and gained it back the week after. Just been to class and I have gained 5 POUNDS! So shocked. My limit of weight gain is 11 stone 7. I will keep posting my weight gain and hope to keep motivated.

Anyone else out there who is pregnant and going to Slimming world????
i'm not at slimming workd or on a diet but i am pregnant and i have gained a lot of weight, but i'm pretty sure its mostly water, because i'm not overeating. u cant possibly gain 5 pounds of fat in a week, so dont worry its probably water :hug:
i'm with slimming world but not pregnant, and let me tell u it is possable to gain 5lbs of fat in a week i gained 4lbs on a bad week once but lost 8lbs in my 1st week :cheer: ! Gained 2 and a half pounds last week and hopefully i can lose that this week. :rotfl: yeah right, it's my bf's birthday on sunday!!!

Ive done wellk and lost nearly 2 and a half stone though :cheer:
i always thought you werent supposed to diet when pregnant? :S

as soon as i stop bf'ing i need a good diet.. wud u recommend it then?
i was with slimming world and did intent to continue when pg but gave up because i felt soooooo crappy during first tri. i do intend to go back when LO born tho :D
I've always dieted on my own as I think £4.75 to stand on scales each week is expensive - our local group just do the weigh in's and go they don't stay for the chat part. So decided that wasn't for me. I'm not dieting during pregnancy (I've heard it's dangerous unless recommended by the GP for medical reasons) but will start again after the birth...agian I plan on doing it solo not with a club, I just find once started I don't need the same support.
yes slimming world is safe when can eat big massive portions with this diet and it's healthy too...I think you would just be introduced to more healthy extra's that wouldnt make you put on too much weight...I know you get about 3 extra healthy extra's when your preast feeding.
yeah slimming world is perfectly safe because you dont limit calories its a healthy eating plan that arranges food in groups and you only eat plenty of one group per week e.g either meat or veg and limit the other. it really does work but i just do it at home because i find it hard to find the £5 every week but some people need the group support which in that case its well worth going. xxxxx
As a target member I don't have to pay unless I go over my danger weight (which I chose). Its so good for me! It is just eating healthy. As you all know when your pregnant you just feel the need to graze. I was eating anything but now reach for healthy options. I often have bacon and eggs for supper! My OH loves it. I am eating lots of fruit and stopped the crisps. Had a bad weekend because we were away so thats why I had a weight gain. When your breastfeeding they recommend you have more calcium and extra fibre (healthy extra's). Feel pleased that I am trying to eat well for my baby.
hopefully i can lose that this week. yeah right, it's my bf's birthday on sunday!!!

have you tried flexible syns? Did this on special occasions. Add them up but don't worry about them. I sometimes would have 100 syns or so on a special night out. You then start again fresh the next day and i found it never effected my weight loss because it was just a one off and helps you stay positive the rest of the week.

PS, Bacon and Eggs don't sound to healthy but it is ok!!!!!!
I did slimming world before becoming pregnant first time round, but I quit because I wanted to drink pop but they only let you drink diet pop and it's got aspartame in which is not great when you're pregnant lol.

Stupid reason to quit but I couldn't bear the thought of drinking no pop for 9 months! :oops:
abbiesmummy said:
hopefully i can lose that this week. yeah right, it's my bf's birthday on sunday!!!

have you tried flexible syns? Did this on special occasions. Add them up but don't worry about them. I sometimes would have 100 syns or so on a special night out. You then start again fresh the next day and i found it never effected my weight loss because it was just a one off and helps you stay positive the rest of the week.

PS, Bacon and Eggs don't sound to healthy but it is ok!!!!!!

eggs (done in fry lite)- free on both days...bacon - 1 b extra or free on original. sounds healthy to me. :cheer:
abbiesmummy said:
Just wanted to share my efforts with you and hope it might encourage me to keep going! I lost 3 stone with slimming world after my last baby and now I am pregnant again i am continuing with the plan. I didn't go to class until 18 weeks pregnant so I had already gained over a stone. (9 stone target weight)

My first weigh in was 10 stone 4.5. I lost 1/2 pound the following week and gained it back the week after. Just been to class and I have gained 5 POUNDS! So shocked. My limit of weight gain is 11 stone 7. I will keep posting my weight gain and hope to keep motivated.

Anyone else out there who is pregnant and going to Slimming world????

i went throughout my pregnancy with finley, i had already lost 1.5st before being pregnant and i gained 15lbs in total throughout my pregnancy, losing 21lbs the week he was born so i weighed less than pre pregnancy

im still doing it now as we get married in 6mths and im getting a breast reduction so want to lose another stone :cheer:
Sassyminx did you follow the plan during your pregnancy? Well done for not gaining lots during pregnancy! Great encouragement! Have a great wedding day, all the best.
abbiesmummy said:
Sassyminx did you follow the plan during your pregnancy? Well done for not gaining lots during pregnancy! Great encouragement! Have a great wedding day, all the best.

yeah i did but i wasnt 100% on it, ive always seemed to lose weight while ive been pregnant, just a shame i dont when i aint :lol:
abbiesmummy :wave:
hope u don't mind me askin! i did slimming world last yr b4 my wedding and lost a stone and got down to my goal weight of 9st! Then due to life and xmas put it all back on. was gonna start again but found out i was pg and first 3m was really sick so thought i'd never b able 2 do it while pg! But i'm feeling like me again now apart from i've already put on 12lb and only half way tho :shock:
But i don't want to pay 4 the group as trying to save 4 baby!
So.......... gonna b cheeky and ask if u could tell me what differences to make to the diet while pg extra healthy options/sins?
Liza x
recommended u take all healthy extras + 1 extra a choice so 3x a's and full 15 syns a day during pregnancy
what differences to make to the diet while pg extra healthy options/sins?
Lillypad totally understand you not wanting to pay out each week, thankfully I get it free (at the moment!). My consultant gave me a leaflet and letter to MW which said the diet remains the same but had suggestions of which foods were good to eat, iron, calcium etc... but the healthy extras increased when you breastfeed.

Just got back from class and after an excellent week I LOST 3.5 pounds :cheer:

:dance: So pleased. Lots of people keep saying "wow your bump is huge, your gonna be massive...." well I know its not because of my diet!!!! I now weigh 10 stone 6 and feel really well.
Came back from class last night and gained 1.5 pounds. So pleased. Had a terrible week (not as bad a I used to be though). Had a takeaway and wasn't so good over the bank holiday. Stayed to class and now feel positive about sticking to the plan again. Will see how I get on over the next week!!

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