

Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2010
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I wonder if anyone has had trouble sleeping with their pregnancy; I am absoloutly exhausted and have not slept well for around a week. Had a scan yesterday and the bean seems fine which I am glad about of course; I have achy pains which are making it uncomfortable as I am a 'belly sleeper' and whilst pregnant I am unable to comfortably sleep on my tummy, although I am early pregnant. Not just that though; I am restless and not happy in our house at the moment, I feel like I want to move or something... I am not settled at all and I know it is affecting my partner to. I am waking around 2.30am and getting back to sleep around 5.30 if I am lucky, but this morning I was up at 5 tired, but not rested at all and I was not able to turn of or relax. I cannot remember the last time I felt relaxed at bedtime and I am getting more moody with a lack of sleep.. how do I combat this. I have a hot bath at night, but relaxation only lasts a short while. My partner comes to bed late and I find I cannot sleep without him, therefore I am half awake waiting for him to come to bed... I am also irritable as my clothes are starting to become to tight to wear and I am feeling like I have had to many pies!!!! Does this settle..?
Hey chick, I'm exactly the same. I'm constantly shattered through the day and the minute I get home from work I want to go straight to bed. Yet when its bed time (which is now much earlier than it was a couple of weeks ago) I cannot sleep or settle for ages. When I do I wake up about 3 - 4am and then am wide awake. I've even got up at this time and wrote my Christmas Cards out.

Its tiring me out at work in the day time and at the minute I have a part time job in a pub as well which is making me more tired so I'm giving that up in January.

Hopefully this passes soon as I used to be able to sleep for England lol - I just want some :nap:

I must say ive been so lucky up until now! I have been able to sleep through, no wee trips (well not more than one) and in the last few nights, I can't do it! Can't sleep a wink, had about 2 hrs sleep last night as then woke up wide awake thinking baby thoughts which happens to me a lot in the night, then I get up, and find I can snuggle down at about 2 o clock for a full on sleep. So today I've made myself stay awake, so I hopefully sleep tonight. I don't even feelthat uncomfortable, I can get comfy I just can't seem to fall asleep. It's very annoying! In tri 1 I slept all the time, tri 2 pretty average and normal sleep patterns, and now when I need to conserve energy, can't do it! Hope it gets better for you. Xx
I have been having trouble getting to sleep, I am exausted all day then can not seem to get to sleep and am wide awake till 3am!! :roll:
Ahhh that sucks, have you tried having a bath before bed, reading before bed, swapping sides with OH?

I am so tired all time, I could sleep for England at the mo x
I've always been a crap sleeper and I was prescribed sleeping tablets for 7 years!!!! Weaned off them with my GP and was completely off by 12 weeks. Funny thing is my sleep has probably been better since coming off them than it was before. I maybe have one or two nights like this when I wake up in the middle of the night for a couple of hours, the rest of the week I wake once for the toilet and straight back to sleep.
Hope it settles for you soon!

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I'm afraid to say that I didnt sleep well through the whole thing, didnt manage a block of more than 4 hours in a go and had a lot of restless leg syndrome. On the up side I'm not coping to badly with the night feeds at the moment.
Hope you all get some good sleep soon, nap when you can :)
I'm afraid to say that I didnt sleep well through the whole thing, didnt manage a block of more than 4 hours in a go and had a lot of restless leg syndrome. On the up side I'm not coping to badly with the night feeds at the moment.
Hope you all get some good sleep soon, nap when you can :)

Maybe it was good practice for the night feed ;)

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I think so, as long as he sleeps in between I dont feel too bad.
I get restless feet, but they have been a bit worse of late.. I wonder if I may not have a restful time, but as long as all is well at the end then I am cool... as you say though, night feeding might be more manageable if you have had a pregnancy with little sleep!! All the best x
I had a later bath last night, which seemed to help, I might try and consciously relax and use music...?. I must start using Lavender in the bath maybe that would help to. I think now the scan is done maybe I will relax a little more and hopefully sleep. I slept last night with one waking.. but fell back to sleep quite quickly, so maybe things will settle.. is such an anxious and exciting time isn't it.. xx
Actually I have not been having trouble getting to sleep, but somitimes it was difficult to do because of inconvenience
Ladies I had this too in the early days and then I did go back to normal for a little while but I hate to tell the sleeplessness is back!! :-( last night I had major heartburn until midnight got to sleep at 1am and was awake again by 3:45am got back to sleep at 6am for two more hours!

I used to be so jealous of my friend as in the early stages of her pregnancy she slept like a baby!!
I slept ok Fri and Sat and then last night I must have only slept for about 2 hours. It took me ages to get to sleep after being shattered all day, then when I did sleep i woke up at 3.30am and was tossing and turning the rest of the night. Not a good start to the week, am so so tired in work now!!


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