Sleepless nights

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Aug 29, 2012
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My little girl is nearly 3 weeks old. And I forgot how hard the night feeds are! Every 3 hours and I take like an her to get back to sleep after every feed. Then my 2 yr old is running me ragged during the day. But I would not change it for the world! My kids are my absolute world and I love them to death. I feel so blessed to have them both here and healthy. Moan over.
Yep lol! My almost 6 month old still feeds every 2-3hrs day & night & then I have to chase round after H (22 months all day).. you get used to it lol! X
Co sleeping has been a God send for me but I know it isn't everyone's thing. Makes such a huge difference to feed Bee and not actually have to do anything other than whack a boob at her. Even though she can wake anything from 1-3 times a night (she only has a quick feed though) I feel like I get some decent rest.

It got easier for me. The first few months were tough!!!

I feel your pain. I'm currently sat with my three week old asleep on my chest after a night feed. I have to sit him upright for ages after a feed other wise he throws up! He's been waking every three hours at night and some nights I've been up nearly two hours with him a time. OH has one more week off work and then I'm all on my own with my baby and toddler!! Eek!!

My eldest was quick at dropping night feeds, hope this wee man is the same!
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hi guys, im lucky my hubby isnt working atrm and so we take the nighttime in turns, hubby takes 9-3, I take 3-9 while he sleeps, she wakes every hr n a half for feeds 99% of the time altho just lately has had a couple of nights where she's done 3-4hrs for hubby but only ever hr n half for me, we also nap together as find she is more settled in my arms than in carrycot or rocker, she sleeps in them and my sling mainly during the day. she just likes our body warmth...they dont say its fourth trimester for nothing lol...enjoying it atm cos it will have to change in next month or so either when she starts sleeping longer or when hubby goes back to work I guess you could say we are co sleeping in that she's either on hubbys chest or mine most nights...

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