

Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2010
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I've found in the last week or so I've suddenly become a really light sleeper, and once I wake up to something I can't get back to sleep. Either that or my OH's snoring has suddenly got a lot worse lol!

I end up dozing on the sofa for most of the night cos if I stay in bed I start getting really frustrated with the fact he's asleep, but the sofa isn't exactly big so now my back hurts :(

Anyone else's sleeping habits changed?

Gonna buy me some ear plugs today :)
I haven't slept properly for most of the pregnancy so far, I am REALLY hoping that I will be able to get some sleep soon, worried that it can't be good for bean if I'm so tired all the time.
Ive only just started sleeping well again and i know this wont last! :(
im not sleeping well at all! i have been a light sleeper since being pregnant and it hasnt got any easier since, sorry!

I thin its our bodies preparing us for when we have a newborn baby to wake up to all the time x
sleep? what is this sleep you speak of ;)

Get him on the sofa love, your pregnant, there are two of you and if your back is mistreated anymore then its going to cause you lots of problems when birth comes around

Liam was on the sofa for practically the whole of the last 2 months, we have been 'top n tailing' the last two weeks but i am thinking of kicking him out tonight because i am too tired to deal with having him in the bed!

look after yourself hun xx
Haha BigBump he read your post...doesn't look impressed :p
tell him you'll swap then, he can keep the bed if he wants to do the womb-borrowing followed by childbirth thing ;)
Lol BigBump!

have also been a light sleeper but only over the last few weeks, I find I'm having to get up about 4 times a night for the loo :(

DH slept in the spare room a couple of nights when I had a hideous cough but other than that I hate to sleep apart from him.

I think the best thing I have done is to have a nap for about an hour after dinner each night and this seems to help me not be absolutely beside myself with tiredness during the day.
tell him you'll swap then, he can keep the bed if he wants to do the womb-borrowing followed by childbirth thing ;)

Lol! You should've seen his face when he read that! Think he understands how important it is to me now I have 'slagged him off all over the internet' (his words) :p :lol:
my sleeping pattern has completely changed, i am asleep early and up early have a disturbed nights sleep and when I wake up I am always aching!

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