Sleeping woes *updated Jan 29*


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2007
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So, I feel I'm doing mostly good to fair with this pregnancy. I've been exercising, eating well, not had any hormone induced mood swings, infact Hubby is loving the lack of PMT and flushes of temper I used to get when my period was due :roll: He commented and said I'd been amazingly sane these past however many months. My heart problems are being monitored and all the tests have had good results and the consultant feels it won't affect the pregnancy so that is all fine.

My one real gripe atm and its only small on the scale of things is that I am starting to suffer really bad back ache at night. It actually wakes me its that uncomfortable :? I find it in my mid back region, and while not down my spine itself that is painful, it seems to be on both sides of it. I cannot get comfy and find myself lying awake for hours till sheer exhustion has me conk out. It takes most of the day to ease then I have to head back to bed :roll: :wall:

I've tried pillow support on back and under bump. Also pillow between legs, but find this actually makes my hips ache more.

I thought this morning maybe it was a kidney infection as its in the region of there, but a bit higher, but I've had no other symptoms to make me think it could be this. Urine looks clear and has tested negative every time so far. I may go see my GP tomorrow and have them rule it out though.

Anyone got any suggestions? I don't do paracetamol (or other meds unless a real must) even when not PG and unwell so would prefer to find a solution that does not involve popping them.
Hello Sherlock,

Sounds rough hon! Would you consider reflexology, it's a really fabulous way to both pamper yourself as well as having a good impact on problem areas. I am going to look into it myself just as an extra support. I don't have your complaints though. You're 25 weeks now and it's all going to start taking its affect on you more physicaly so definetly a good idea to get a bit spoiled. If that's not your bag then would you consider homeopathy? They could tailor treatment to your specific needs.

Wishing you well sweety!

Becs x
hiya not sure if it will help you hun but i brought a v-shapped maternity pillow and its fab i put it under my neck towards my sholders when i nap so im sat up a little bit an it takes the pressure off my back,
failing that how about getting hubby to give you a massage with a nice smelling cream just before bed to really loosen up the muscles that might help a litle :)
manda xx
Also maybe try sleeping on top of a duvet as well as under one as i found this quite cosy!
But apart from that there's not much to suggest. I'm suffering with the same thing, i also find that i can barely turn over in bed and it wakes me up when i try!
I guess it's just all the muscle stresses.
If you can afford it go and get a nice back massage!
I think i've got exactly the same type of backache as you!!! I struggle to sleep as well...
hey hun, baby is possibley back to back with you and causing the pain?

also, remember i had that kidney infection a few weeks ago? i had no other symptoms except for the back/side pain.. so it's defo worth getting your urine tested to be on the safe side, the don't like kidney infections in pregnancy..

sarafet said:
hey hun, baby is possibley back to back with you and causing the pain?

also, remember i had that kidney infection a few weeks ago? i had no other symptoms except for the back/side pain.. so it's defo worth getting your urine tested to be on the safe side, the don't like kidney infections in pregnancy..

It's quite possible as all my kicks and so on seem to be at the front. I get loads of baby kicks popping out. Mind you, my placenta is lying at the back, so maybe I'm just not feeling them there :roll:

Yeah, I'd thought about a kidney infection also. I'm going to see how I do tonight and if need be go get my urine tested tomorrow at the GP's.

Thanks for the tips :)
Id just like to send you some :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I hope you sleep better tonight and failing that the docs can help you out.!!!!!! :pray:
Ive had a few restless nights through dicomfort and shoulder pains but not as bad as you.

Lol Sarah
Righto, so back was painful yesterday and most of the evening. Sarafet suggested baby might be lying back to back so I did some research and lo, spent a fair chunk of the late evening on all fours in the sitting room, rocking backwards and forwards. Hubby got a laugh out of it and had I not been just out of reach probably would have used me as a foot stool :roll:

Anyways, my pain went! Not straight away, had to have 2 sessions on the floor, but by bedtime I was not aching so much. I could feel Baby had changed position as my tummy also changed shape a bit.

I got more pillows last night, propped them front, back, under bump and between legs. And slept ok. I woke around 3am with hip pain but I always do if I use a pillow between my legs. But no back pain. Not a jot. Baby was kicking away like a goodun in there, but all in one place, low down on my bits, and it felt like s/he had changed position well and truly.

So I think it worked. Going to be crawling around a bit more now to see if it continues :)

I did lots of my reading here (good for those hoping to home birth possibly also)
Wow, glad to hear that you got a good nights sleep and also that it looks like you found the problem and sorted it :)

ETA: That site is really interesting
Have you got a birthing ball Sherry? Bouncing on that and draping yourself over it might also help get baby moving position.. :)
DebbieM said:
Have you got a birthing ball Sherry? Bouncing on that and draping yourself over it might also help get baby moving position.. :)

I'ma looking into getting one :) I'm just waiting to get near someplace that sells the gym balls. I wasn't planning on using one till a bit later on, but if LO likes to make me uncomfy then I shall start using it sooner. The back pain was at the point it was making me miserable and limiting what I do, so anything that keeps Baby from doing that works for me :)
Happy to hear baby has moved and your getting some relife now. :D
And thanks for the tip
:) ive had bad back pain the last 4 night i may try that on all fours rocking motion to move Collier to a more comfy position

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