Sleeping through... Or lack of...

dont worry he wll eventually sleep through.

when i was born up till the age of 2 yrs the most sleep my mom would get in one go was 2 hrs, then all of a sudden not long after my 2nd b'day i started sleeping through.

then my daughter was golden until 6 weeks then until she was almost 2 you could not get her down before 11pm and she would wake in the night too.

you will find all babies will be a nightmare at one thing and golden at others.

it could be you baby wont ever let you sleep but when older is a really good eater, talker or easy to potty train.

i know how u feel
I've tried co sleeping but he wakes even more than he usually does, as I've said he has only done 6/7 hours a couple of times and like I said Im not trying to put him to bed any earlier yet first of all id like to crack half ten til seven but I can't crack the reason he is waking. I just want to stress once more im not complaining that he wakes up I'm actually trying to figure out what's making him wake, with no pattern to when he wakes etc. I guess it may just be that he's a light sleeper and may be startling himself in the night, its the only thing I can think of as I've tried everything else :-S
If hes starting himself awake, willhe let you put him down swaddled? might be easier to get one of the special made blankets for it, as alanna kicks her swaddling noff if i do it Lol useless!
Owen struggled to sleep on his back. How does Lo sleep, could you try putting on tummy?

And you are allowed to moan about Lo waking! I still do, quite a lot to oh sometimes! I know it wont last long and he'll get there in his own time but when you haven't slept longer than 3 or 4 hours and it seems everyone else is managing full nights it makes me moan sometimes (and cry too come to think of it!)

hope it gets a little better
Evie is a tummy sleeper! So when we put her to bed I put her in a sleep pod o stop herself from startling awake when on her back. She will wake 4 hours later for a feed but won't go back down, so she the. Sleep on my chest on her belly until 8am.
I put alanna down on her side, eventually goes off to her back but cant fall asleep like that
My boy has never slept through. He is 18 weeks now. The best he has done is wake 3 times in the night. You are doing well.

Does he arch his back and stretch. He could have trapped wind. My boy started to do that and I am going back to using infacol to see if this helps. He has been waking at least every hour!

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