Sleeping right through.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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Hannah is almost 3 months old and has never slept through a whole night. I blamed it on the fact shes a hungery baby (she's already 14lbs 6oz) and the midwife suggested babyrice. (i know its early to start, but milk wasnt satifiying her) So i give it to her before bed. Anyway, it makes no difference at all.
A normal night she'll go down at 11pmish she wakes at 3am, then 5.30ish then 8am. (wanting a bottle each time)
Shes also started teething now too.

I just feel constantly exhausted, and i really thought babys sleep right through from about 6weeks!!!!
Just so i know, what age did your babies start sleeping right through..? Any any sudgestions on how i can somhow encourage it! lol
if she is teething I would recomend giving her half of a Ashton & Parson's Powder they worked wonders for Arianna and are also great for stomach ache too - they are herbal so nothing nasty in them.

Alot of people on here rave about the era tablets but I have never personally used them and am unsure at what age you can give them from - check with your HV or chemist.

For routine of sleeping I started Arianna at about 8wks old - starting with bathing and bed time at about 11.30(ish) then when she got used to t moving back 30min each week until she went down at 7.30pm and sleeps right through until 8am - she sometimes has a little moan when she hears us going to bed but I just have to go in her room and shhh's her and she drops off again.

Is she hungry everytime she wakes or is she just taking the bottle for comfort?
have you tried the dream feed worked for other gorlies on here but not me..make sure she knows difference between day and night not too much stimulation

here's a hugs D suddenly dropped from two feed to one at about 2 nonths and still has one

Hiya, I think it depends what you classify as 'sleeping through'. Our LO is 3 months now and he normally sleeps 8pm until around 4am and then until about 7-8am. I was told that since he sleeps for 8 hours in a row that is classed as 'sleeping through' but I can't wait for him to sleep through without his 4am wakeup or at least sleep until 10am so we can have a lie-in :wink: . I was also told that they will sleep longer if they are satiated with food. My LO is also teething early, what a nightmare, dribblefest!
willow started sleeping through at 6 weeks as soon as we put her in her nursary on her own is she still sleeping in with you as you might be waking her up with snoring and fidgting etc and as she is waking up she is feeling hungry.

willow goes to bed at 6:30 and wakes up at about 4 for a feed and then back down til about 8 ish but willow is also starting to teeth its like she has left a tap running from her mouth :roll:
I think 3 months is early to be sleeping through.

Stanley was closer to 6 months and still doesn't sleep through every night.
We were lucky-Ruby slept through from 11pm till 7am at 7 weeks...she was in her own nursery from one week old. We used to dream feed her at 11pm-she went to bed 7pm, and we would wake her to change and feed her at 11pm, then she would sleep untl 7am

At around 5 months, we dropped the 1pm feed, and she goes from her bedtime bottle @ 7.30pm-8pm until 7am every night.

My niece is 10 weeks older than Ruby and rarely sleeps thorugh still, they are all different :hug:
I found my daughter slept better once she was out of her moses basket as she kept hitting the sides and waking herself up. Maybe if she's a big baby then she needs more space?
luke was 13 weeks when he slept through without a feed to be honest anyone is lucky if there babies sleep through before they are 6 months old thats what everyone used to tell me.

he wakes up now 4 or so times to be soothed cos he teeth are also playing up.

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