Sleeping positions


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2008
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Anyone else worrying about this?

I normally sleep on my back but have been trying to train myself from early on to sleep on my left side. And it's just not working.

Left side feels really unnatural so I'm now trying for right.

Apparently, nothing harmful in sleeping on your right though left is preferable.

The problem is I seem to revert to my back which is worrying because of the sudden extra weight I'm presumedly placing on my internal organs and not good either for low blood pressure (or high for that matter)

Sometimes think I'd be better just sleeping on my back rather than have the half awake sleep I seem to be having worrying about it.

My recent snoring on my back is really irritating my OH also.......oh well. Hee hee

Julie xxxxxxxxx
Emma Mary 18 wk miscarriage Always Missed 02.05.08
try not to worry if you end up on your back as your body will tell u to move while u sleep. I love sleeping on my belly and im finding it uncomfortable to sleep.
Ive only been able to sleep on my left side since been pregnant. Im normally a tummy sleeper but since falling pregnant for some reason I sleep better on my left side.
I usually can neither sleep on my right nor on my left because my hips hurt terribly. So I end up sitting up and try to sleep like that ... not very comfortable as you can imagine :?
I'm a natural left side sleeper (away from OH's snoring). However I don't think it's anything to lose sleep over, no pun intended! :lol:
I sleep all over the place hun.

Back was most comfortable but now end up waking gasping for air cause i cant breathe lol.

Pregnancy sleep is so hard lol xx
I try and sleep on my left side but end up moving from side to side during the night as its so much pressure on my hips, I have never been one to sleep on back or on tummy so that comes natually to me.

Don't worry about it too much as that will stop you from sleeping well!!! :hug:
whats the worst that can happen by sleeping on your back?

I wake up on my back everytime even though i go to sleep on my side, I just cant seem to stay on it for very long :think:
I go to sleep on my left side with a cushion between my legs so i dont roll over but i always wake up on my back :wall:
I start off sleeping on my left hand side but pretty much always wake up on my back!
I don't have a set sleeping postion. I tend to sleep all over the place, which isn't helping now!

If I end up on my back I wake up from being unable to breath, waking everyone else up in the house lol
I was able to sleep fine on my left side until recently. now i just cant get comfortable no matter what. Tried the pillow between the legs, under bump etc but nothing seems to work. now i find it hurts my side lying on my side after a long time and the carpel tunnel isnt helping matters either!!
I am currently a very grumpy sleep deprived fatty!

I usually sleep on my back or my left side as lyin gon my right has always given me indigestion anyway. Though now I find I'm supposed to sleep on my left I tend to wake up feeling bored of lying that way :lol: OH tells me I naturally move to my left when I'm asleep though.
I always fall asleep on my left side but I wake up on my back or on my right side! Im a fidget in bed! Apparently according to what I have read less oxygen gets to the baby if you sleep on your back and its best for baby if you sleep on your left but I just cant seem to stay in that position when im asleep!!
HollyHobby said:
whats the worst that can happen by sleeping on your back?

I wake up on my back everytime even though i go to sleep on my side, I just cant seem to stay on it for very long :think:

They say you should not sleep on your back in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters because your uterus pushes on a major vein so if you sleep on your side it helps release the pressure and helps blood flow
HollyHobby said:
whats the worst that can happen by sleeping on your back?

I wake up on my back everytime even though i go to sleep on my side, I just cant seem to stay on it for very long :think:

They say you should not sleep on your back in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters because your uterus pushes on a major vein so if you sleep on your side it helps release the pressure and helps blood flow

i sleep on my left side i find tht the most comfortablest :)

I keep waking myself up by rolling onto my tummy and i wake up because its uncomfortable. I can't keep still in whatever position i'm in - to the annoyance of my DH :lol:
I worry myself stupid about sleeping positions.. i always seem to end up on my front..!!


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