sleeping on your back


Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2008
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i naturally sleep on my back and im paranoid that the baby is gonna lose blood supply. is it a high risk that could happen?

although i try to fall asleep on my side i wake up and am on my back (obviously not knowing how long ive been like that for)

i think im probably worrying over nothing, its just cause i havent felt it yet (and i know many other people havent) i just feel a bit lost lol.

thanks for reading

Your baby will be fine if you sleep on your back. As baby gets bigger, he may lie on some of your major blood vessels if you sleep flat on your back (but then it will be you feeling uncomfortable, not baby!). If you are worried though you can put a pillow or something behind you to stop you from rolling etc. :sleep:

I'm just glad for any sleep now as I am used to sleeping on my tummy (which I can't do now. I tried wedging pillows either side of my bump to try and lie more on my tummy to get comfy and baby kicked the living daylights out of me in protest - he went mad, so won't do that again! :roll: )
I asked my midwife yesterday about sleeping positions and she said whatever you feel comfortable with is fine.

I still sleep on my stomach and loads of people have told me that I shouldn't so I asked and she told me to do whatever I'm comfortable doing since soon enough I won't have an awful lot of choice.
I was worried about the same thing but you will get to the stage where you will automatically turn over. I get breathless if im on my back for too long and theres no chance of sleeping on my front. I so miss those positions!

Claire x
Yep as the other ladies have said, when it can be a problem (for you not really for baby hun) you wont let yourself lie on your back as you will get to uncomfortable! I still occasionally sleep on my back but sometimes Im just to uncomfy!
You'll know if you shouldn't be doing it because you'll be uncomfortable, or get pins & needles etc. Same with lying on your front - do it until you physically can't because you'll miss it soooo much in 3rd tri!
Im already quite used to sleeping on my side due to heartburn lol ! With heartburn, lie on your left and it eases or prevents it more as the acid ant flow up your pipe properly!
Just thought I would add that :lol: Totally off topic really but a little tip haha
I use to sleep on my front but can't now, I've started going to sleep on my side but wake up throughout the night on my back and was also a bit worried as I'd heard you shouldn't. One problem I find with sleeping on my back is that I end up snooring :oops: (well i did in my last pregnancy), your OH will give you a nudge i bet if you do, so you can turn to the side. Don't worry about movement yet either, I'm not feeling anything at all really unless I lie flat and press my hand firmly on the lower half of my tummy. :)
I also used to sleep on my tummy, bubs hates it, kicks me till i move, also isnt that keen on me being on my side.

So mostly i keep to my back as its the only position i get to sleep in.
I used to sleep on my front but I can't anymore. I can never really stay in one position for too long especially my back as it gets uncomfortable. As the others have said, your body will let you know if you should move so don't worry.
I never understood what people meant by not actually being able to sleep on my back but now I can't physically lay flat as baby is too huge and bump pulls and hips hurt too much. Have to sleep on my side. Your body will let you know.
cool thanks everyone.

i guess i just dont want to bug my midwife (i know stupid me, thats what shes there for :lol: ) with what i see as silly questions cause i assume im just supposed to know the answers.

im getting so paranoid. i even said to OH earlier "if its even still alive" cause im really paranoid :( i didnt mean to say it i just did and now i feel really bad.

ive not got a scan for 2 weeks, midwife appt for three and havent got any way of hearing the heartbeat or anything and im not feeling it. i just feel un-pregnant atm. especially as im not showing. i just look like i have put on a bit of weight. ive seen other people at nearly 19 weeks and they have a bump :(
Chelsea, if it's any comfort, they do seem to pop out rather than gradually increasing in size. It depends how they are lying as well as sometimes I just look fat and have a really saggy belly. :puke:

I think we all have paranoid moments though and then huge waves of relief when we feel baby kick or hear the heartbeat etc.

Go and snuggle a ratty. :hug: :hug: :hug:
I am so glad you started this thread Chelsea as I sleep on my front as its the most comfortable at the moment but had heard you are not supposed too but this thread has given me more encouragement.

Like you I have been feeling suitably unpregnant and don't get my scan for over 3 weeks yet. I will be glad when baby starts kicking and I know that everything is ok.

Take care Sarah xx
personally i cant sleep on my back, it hurts like a mofo in my back and hips :( I miss sleeping on my belly too, fed up of sleeping on my side now :rotfl:
chelsea said:
cool thanks everyone.

i just feel un-pregnant atm. especially as im not showing. i just look like i have put on a bit of weight. ive seen other people at nearly 19 weeks and they have a bump :(

I felt like this but suddenly started growing at about 22 weeks.. now have a lovely bump.

Claire x

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