Sleeping on your back

Lacey's Mummy

Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2010
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I never even thought about it while pregnant with DD but I've heard from alot of people that your not meant to sleep on your back!
Why is this? Can it harm the baby? I always try to sleep on my side but wake up in the middle of the night back on my back!!
i think its to do with the major blood vein thingy that runs down your side to your leg when your on your back the baby pushes it down but im not 100% sure lol
I found this on google...

When you're sleeping on your back, the weight of your uterus lies on the spine, back muscles, intestines, and major blood vessels. This can lead to muscle aches and pains, and impaired circulation, which is uncomfortable for you and can reduce circulation to your baby.

So I reckon providing you don't spend 8 hours on your back and you're moving around, then I'm sure all will be fine :)
Thanks for finding that Hun. Like I said I always fall asleep on my side but it's so much more comfy on my back!!
I find that if I lie flat on my back I go faint - it definitely cuts off a blood supply!
i'm the same laceys mummy i always wake up on my back sure it'll change soon tho and as baby will prob get 2 heavy and will be painful. we'll see
I try and sleep on my side but Ive always found sleeping on my back much more comfortable. Ive heard its when your flat on your back, which I find very uncomfortable, but i usually prop up a mass amount of pillows into a v shape so my shoulders are nice and high. It well comfy and I think its better than being flat on your back :)
I find it hard to sleep on my back as I find it hard to breathe :lol: I am still desperately trying to sleep on my tummy although it's sooo uncomfortable so I am half on my side, half on my tummy :lol:
I tried again last night trying to sleep on my side but it didn't work! Still woke up on my back!! Might have to invest in a v pillow!
The pillows are definately good hun. I have the L shaped one and it relieves the back and tummy pain I've been getting.
It is not recommended to sleep on your back but as long as its not all the time or for the whole duration while you are asleep, it should be fine. Especially as when I brought this up with my midwife, she said you will keep moving about in your sleep so its unlikely you will stay in one position. You might lay on your side and wake up on your back. Just keep an eye on things, I'm sure everything will be fine hun xx
As well as what the girls have said, at my antenatal classes they were also talking about being on your left side to encourage baby to get comfy lying that way to get ready for birth (maybe not quite on your mind yet)! Obviously that's maybe something for a bit later on when you can get more comfy on your side. Try wedging a pillow long ways down your back, really wedge it in (I usually position it then roll onto it, or get your OH to do it), you'd be amazed how much more comfy it is than sleeping just on your side. I do this with my V pillow with the bottom part coming back through between my legs and it's the most comfy position I can find, oh with a pillow under bump too! Good Luck!
I heard this too! I make a conscious effort to sleep on my side- i read your left side is best as it provides more oxygen for the baby. I ALWAYS end up giving in though and go onto my back as its the only way i feel comfy at the moment xx

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