Sleeping in a moses basket in the first weeks?

Little Bump

Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2008
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Is this ok?

My parents are buying my cot for me after little one is born, until then for the first few days/couple of weeks she was going to be sleeping in a moses basket alongside my bed.

I have 2 moses baskets, one for upstairs and one for downstairs, both with stands, however I've been hearing conflicting advice. Some people have been telling me that baby will be fine in the moses basket whereas others have been telling me it's a no go.

Now I'm confused :?
They're brand new with the correct mattresses etc, secure stands and whatnot....
I don't know of any reasons why you wouldn't let your lo sleep in a moses basket.

We bought one but never really used it as my DS didn't settle in it. xxx
I dont understand why anyone would tell you no to a moses basket, they are perfectky fine & handy, depending on your LOs size, they may outgrow it quickly. Caitlyn was tiny & still fits in hers :)
i've not heard that LO shouldnt go in moses basket, i thought thats what most people did. We're putting baby in the carry cot part of our pram for the first few weeks, as it says it can be used for that if you put a mattress in it, and we didnt want tonnes of stuff thats useless after the first few months.
I've only just taken Angel out of hers. And she's nearly 4 months. It was brilliant for when we couldn't get her to sleep at night as it has a rocking stand.
The whole point of a moses basket is for the first few months from when baby is newborn. They are fine to use for a new baby. Some take to them, others don't.
I don't know any reason either... they are very handy. Becky outgrew hers at around 12 weeks.
Finn was in his moses basket until he was about 3 months and outgrew it. Was very handy though as he could sleep in it at night and during the day. Getting him to sleep in his cot during the day now is a challenge!!! When he was first born I rolled up a blanket tightly up the side to make it a bit more cost and I also lined his mattress with my nighty for comfort.
Moses baskets are fine to use, don't worry :hug:
They are great as you can move them around easily so keep LO with you while they sleep :D
Moses baskets are great if yor little one takes to it. My little one is still in hers, next to my bed. She is quite wee, so can't imagine moving her out for a while yet.
As others have said, moses baskets are made for babies to sleep in!? I dont understand why anyone told you you cant let them sleep in them!? :think:
who told you a moses basket was a no go? what did they say they were for?!
My friends twins are still in their baskets, they were 6 weeks prem & are now 5 months old & sleeping fine in them! :) as for how long they spend in them... i think it depends on how determined you are.
Happybunny said:
Moses baskets are great if yor little one takes to it. My little one is still in hers, next to my bed. She is quite wee, so can't imagine moving her out for a while yet.

Awww :D SOunds cute :)

Galen grew out of his by 6 weeks :shock: :lol: :roll: He loves his cot as he can sprawl out properly now, something he could never do in the basket. He sleeps a lot better since moving to the cot. Much more settled.
Louis is still in his Moses basket next to our bed and has been sleeping through the night for weeks now without any problem :D
He is probably going to outgrow it by the end of the month though...
I don't understand why Moses baskets would be no good for baby's sleep...
Lol we are still cramming Eva into hers she loves it and slept really well from day 1 in it, I will be sorry when we have to put it away really, its so handy.

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