

Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2010
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Anyone else struggling to sleep? I haven't had a decent nights sleep for weeks! My pelvis hurts and every time I lie down LO wakes up he he! Also get really hot and wake up sweating yuck!
I find I fall asleep pretty much straight away but wake up around 6 - 6.30 and that's me cant get back to sleep after that - been waking up with mid back pain for the last week or so too which doesn't stop till I get up - just one thing after another with this pregnancy malarkey isn't it? :lol:
im starting to have trouble sleeping :( i get settled and crumpet kicks me or starfishes out in my belly.

i keep waking up with back pain and wasnt sure if it is just a water infection but it goes through the day so i assumed it is just awkward uncomfortable sleeping, im not even that big yet.

i thought the sleepless nights were supposed to start when he arrives not 16 weeks before hand lol

Im the oher way....I could sleep all night all day all the time lol
Everything you have just described Mrs mc I dont get until im around 33-34 weeks pregnant. But its bloody awful!!!

Wait until you need help rolling over and then it kills your pelvis and legs. Not looking forward to that again :(

I had a shit night last night, so tired and moody today.

I bought my lot a paddling pool so they are in the garden and not annoying me. Sorry I dont half waffle on at times! :lol:
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I've been getting pelvis and hip pain in the night. Helps if I have the bolster cushion tucked between my legs. However for weeks now I've been waking up between 1.30 and 3.30am going to the loo and then having trouble getting back to sleep. Gets sooooo tiring.
I have just started to struggle having a decents nights sleep :(

I can't stop going to the toilet for a wee! I don't even drink that much!!!! 8 times I went last night! That is once every hour I actually slept! Oh my !

Hope your ok MrsMc, There is nothing worse than little sleep x
I don't sleep well, and every time I wake up I feel I need to go pee... At least 2 or 3 times a night. :(
I've been having very sleepless nights too...........but now I have a horrid cough/cold it's awful!!!

The delights of pregnancy!!
I managed to sleep til 8.30 today bit didn't get to sleep til about 3am :-(
Im struggling too. I find im fast asleep for the first hour then after that im tossing and turning to get comfortable and every tiny noise or bit of light wakes me. Not good when OH is blissfully unaware and having a lovely sleep beside me, lol x
For once I slept last night, but I didnt get to bed until 12.15 and I stayed in bed till 8.30 this morning, thank you Riley and kids for not waking me up!

Though im now behind and have loads to do arrghh
Yeh that winds me up even more OH snoring lol

i do sometimes have the urge to wake him up so he can suffer with me, it is partly his fault after all......... lol
I'm struggling to sleep too... LO keeps kicking, and for some reason that wakes me up at about 3, then I can't get back to sleep until 6, and since the alarm goes off at 6.30 this isn't good! God help me when I go back to work!!!
And now my dog has decided that we need a nightly 2am wake up call. Wandering up stairs because he's bored! Not helping!
i wake up a couple of times in the night for loo breaks lol but am finding i wake up now at 7 or 8 am and i want to lie in and cant :( although most days up for work by then anyway!! i wanted to get all my sleep in before she arrives but looks like they test us from now to give us a taster :)

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