Sleep, what is it?


Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2011
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I am soooooo tired please please tell me that I'm not the only one who is not able to sleep? and That someone amazing has a cure???

I'm not very big so I am able to settle in all my fav sleeping positions but I just cannot SLEEP!

I'm working full time and feel really tired but when in bed I just lay there tossing and turning. I might drift off for half an hour and then I am wide awake again! What's going on???

Praying for some :nap:
I am the same i find placing a pillow between my knees is helping alot but there are some nights it doesnt work, think my body is just trying to get used to the lack of sleep we will be getting when my little princess arrives :) x
im not in the place right now. but have been a couple of times throughout the pregnancy. first time was at the 2 month mark. didnt sleep more than half an hour at a time for about 3 weeks. was so exhausted. then when i was about 3 and a half months along i couldnt sleep for about a week. been fine for the last month or so.. but pretty sure the pregnancy isomnia will hit again in the future. its absolutely horrible. hopefully it will pass for you, dont think theres even anything you can do :( xx
You could try listening to a relaxation cd when You go to bed to help you relax. Also lavender is meant to aid sleep, you can buy oils or sprays that you put on your pillow,might be worth a try.
I got news - it doesnt get any better, ive never been more shattered in my life..... :(

Having a down day can u tell? lol x
im having the same problem. I was sleeping loads now cannot get to sleep at night even with a pillow in between my legs. Ive resorted to downloading sleeping noise calming apps on my phone so i can listen to waves and water etc to calm me lol
Poor us, I'm sure it's good training for us. I had a warm milk before bed last night nodded off around 11 and woke at 4:20am so that is a great sleep for me at the moment. I am going to pick up some sort of Lavender today as someone else suggested that too so must be good. Thanks for your support and sharing your tiredness with me :) xx
Hi insomniac ladies,

I'm having a slightly different problem, but it's still about sleeping. I can fall asleep easily, but over the last couple of nights, I've been woken up with pain in my lower back and hips when sleeping on my side. The only way I seem to be comfortable is on my back, and that's not recommended as baby gets bigger. I normally sleep in a combination of right-side and back, so this whole left-side thing is alien to me. I have to keep turning over from one side to another to make the pain go away, but that doesn't always work, and certainly not for long. I've tried pillows between my legs and a body pillow, but TBH they bother me more than anything. It's like having a third person in the bed, they are so big. However, the worst thing about it is that it's now disturbing hubby's sleep. He has been very understanding, but we were both awake at 6.30am this morning because I was wriggling and sighing. He gave me a cuddle and I just burst into tears because I think we'd realised that it may be better if he sleeps in another bed. It sounds really silly, but it made me so sad. I will miss him. But he needs to sleep too, or we'll both go mad.

I'm crying now as I type this. It's the worst thing that's happened so far in a lovely pregnancy and I'm gutted. Tell me I'm being silly. I know this will pass.

Good luck sleeping, girls :nap:. I think we're in for a rough time.
Your most def not the only one! Now i'm getting a bump it's just uncomfortable got a maternity pillow which helps a bit but really the only place i'm comfortable is on my back. Not sure at what point i'm meant to stop sleeping on my back as i'm 17 weeks now i guess soon if not already? Even before i had the bump i found myself awake every couple of hours. & it's only going to get worse isn't it!!

Karen C can completely sympathise with you, my OH is really understanding but i'm constantly fidgeting and moving about which keeps him awake, when he's got to be at work for 7 it seems so unfair.

Hope you get a good sleep soon girls!
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Your most def not the only one! Now i'm getting a bump it's just uncomfortable got a maternity pillow which helps a bit but really the only place i'm comfortable is on my back. Not sure at what point i'm meant to stop sleeping on my back as i'm 17 weeks now i guess soon if not already? Even before i had the bump i found myself awake every couple of hours. & it's only going to get worse isn't it!!

Karen C can completely sympathise with you, my OH is really understanding but i'm constantly fidgeting and moving about which keeps him awake, when he's got to be at work for 7 it seems so unfair.

Hope you get a good sleep soon girls!

Thanks, hun. It's tough on the men, isn't it? But it is all their fault that we're in this state :)

I find I am still sleeping a lot on my back, just to ease the pain in my hips and back. I am not finding it uncomfortable, nor is it making me light headed, so I don't think it's a major problem, especially if you find yourself on your back after falling asleep on your side. I've been actively trying to sleep on my side since around 20 weeks, but it's so painful, and then I worry about waking OH up. Can't win.

It must be very tiring not being able to sleep properly :(

I cant give any advice as I haven't had this yet, but I hope you manage to get some more!
I'm SO happy someone else posted about not sleeping on here! The last 2 weeks have been impossible for me to sleep! My hips have eased, my tummy isn't in the way, but something is definitely stopping me from sleeping properly! My poor OH has been so patient with me lol. Maybe it's just excessive hormones? Prepping us for the inevitable!!

Make a pregnancy ticker

I can't sleep either :(
I used to be able to get to sleep alright, but as I have M.E, I haven't had a full nights sleep in years.
But now, I'm having trouble getting to sleep, and I'm waking up more often as its not just the M.E that's waking me, its discomfort.
I can't seem to change position in my sleep anymore, so everytime I get uncomfortable and need to change position, I wake up.
Its an effing nightmare.

I'm seriously considering not going back to work until after baby is here. I need a nap in the afternoon to cope with the day as it is, if I went back to work, I really think I'd collapse :( x

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Your most def not the only one! Now i'm getting a bump it's just uncomfortable got a maternity pillow which helps a bit but really the only place i'm comfortable is on my back. Not sure at what point i'm meant to stop sleeping on my back as i'm 17 weeks now i guess soon if not already? Even before i had the bump i found myself awake every couple of hours. & it's only going to get worse isn't it!!

Karen C can completely sympathise with you, my OH is really understanding but i'm constantly fidgeting and moving about which keeps him awake, when he's got to be at work for 7 it seems so unfair.

Hope you get a good sleep soon girls!

Thanks, hun. It's tough on the men, isn't it? But it is all their fault that we're in this state :)

I find I am still sleeping a lot on my back, just to ease the pain in my hips and back. I am not finding it uncomfortable, nor is it making me light headed, so I don't think it's a major problem, especially if you find yourself on your back after falling asleep on your side. I've been actively trying to sleep on my side since around 20 weeks, but it's so painful, and then I worry about waking OH up. Can't win.


It is yeah, aha true true. :)

Yeah laying on my side makes my hips hurt more, i have CMT (muscle wastage) so my joints etc get quite achy anyway hense why i've always slept on my back. I guess its just when you're in the last couple of months it's bad to sleep on your back? xx
What I wouldn't give for a good night's sleep! I've never been a good sleeper, but it's been so frustrating the past couple of weeks as I've been getting to sleep ok, but waking anywhere from midnight to 2am and either feeling uncomfortable from aching hips or just can't get comfortable. Lying on my back for a bit helps the aching and I roll back onto my side to fall back asleep. Like all of you, my OH is being very supportive (and has the luck to be a good, deep sleeper) but it's driving me up the wall!!!

My friend suggested lavender spray as well, but someone else told me it's not safe in pregnancy? Anyone else heard that?

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