sleep troubles etc


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2006
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Lydia used to go to sleep but she would wake a few times in the night for her bottle - nothing major, just a bit of whimpering and moaning until she got it - and then straight back to sleep.

For the past week and a half though it's been ridiculous. She SCREAMS and screams blue murder when you try put her to bed.
Eventually she falls asleep but ONLY if you are sitting right next to the cot holding her hand.

Then, several times in the night, she had been waking up screaming her head off, quite hysterical in fact, and it's been taking us AGES to get her settled again - at least 45 minutes each time - and again we have to be sitting right next to her cot stroking her head with one hand and holding her hand with the other. Otherwise she just keeps on with the hysterics for hours.

I'm so shattered! What the hell is going on with her?

I did think that maybe it's got something to do with the fact that my DH started working last Monday (a week and a half ago - it coincides with Lydia's strange hysterics). He's been unemployed since JUST before she was born, so she's always known both her parents to be at home with her all day every day. This is the first major separation she's had to go through now that he's got a full time job.

Also she's become so incredibly clingy - she literally follows me around like a puppy - if I go into the kitchen she crawls right behind me and clings onto my leg. If I have to leave her for 2 minutes so I can go to the loo she starts wailing until I get back.

Do you think the sleeping troubles are part of the same thing? Any ideas how I can stop her waking up and shrieking all the time?

sorry that was long.
when your oh comes in from work does he get a chance to play with lydia? Does lydia see your oh leave for work? if not maybe try getting lydia to say bye at the door and explaining to lydia what is going on and that she will see daddy shortly

sorry for all the questions
if only i new the answer cause aaliyah is doin exactly the same :wall:
she use 2 sleep all threw the night waking up once for a bottle but that was it n she would go striaght back to sleep but recently shes been geting up 3 or 4 times a night and not going back to sleep for a good 30 minutes aftawards and thats only if i rock her 2 sleep and not put her down untill she is sleeping.....i duno what it is...maybe its there ages or something :|
Vicky said:
when your oh comes in from work does he get a chance to play with lydia? Does lydia see your oh leave for work?

yes to all of these - I have to give him a lift to work because he can't drive and it's not on the bus route, and I pick him up too. So Lydia is in the car for both the journeys and he waves at her and says byebye etc when he leaves and hello again when he gets back in.
He plays with her in the evening too - he finishes work at 4 so he gets plenty of chance to see her when he gets back before it's her bedtime.
sorry hun then got no ideas wish i could help
okay we have progress - she went down tonight without a fuss.
Maybe I was just worrying for no reason - it might have just taken her time to adjust.

Thanks anyway lol. I feel like a divvy now for worrying needlessly.

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