Sleep on tummy at 1month old?


Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2014
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Hi Guys, Phoebe has taken a long while to settle to sleeping on her back but always loves sling carrying and lying on chest frog style and has always excelled at tummy time (introduced when she was a week old and done daily). Today I tried putting her on her front for tummy time to which she fell asleep so have now put her in the cot this way and keeping a close eye on her...I know its not recommended for very young babies but she seems to sleep far better that way...the only concern I have is if she is sick/dribbles during night and when turning head drags herself through it and struggles to breathe but perhaps lying on front will prevent her being sick in the first place? Not sure what to do but we only get 1-2hrs during day on back consistent sleep and 2.5hrs at night if we're lucky....again during tummy time she can turn head very well and has started lifting and looking in front of her so know she has the strength and ability...could this be our answer to longer spells asleep or could we be starting a bad habit?
Is she sick a lot? She could have reflux. Putting her flat on her back could be making its worse. If you're worried about her sleeping on her front have you tried putting her cot or basket at an angle so she's not laid totally flat.

Both my boys have been refluxy babies and neither have liked being flat on their backs. I've got the next to me crib for this baby and we have it on an angle for him sleeping on his back. I also rest him on my chest for half an hour after each feed before putting his down other wise we have projectile vomiting!
thanks littlemonkey, she doesnt suffer bad from reflux at all but doesnt seem to go into deep sleep often on back whereas on front she does (to the point whereby you have to check she's breathing she's so peaceful!), we had crib at an angle already for on her back but took it out for front as thought that would make the angle worse for her but will try that (its funny as we have a material bath support under mattress works perfectly as a gentle 30 degrees raise at highest point and she lies her head on 20 degree part)...I do lying on tummy/chest too and she seems to sleep v well that way, I make that part of morning nap time (nap time for me as well on the sofa lol)
just realised you were referring to back sleeping with the raised raise if lying on front...just gonna keep an eye on it and only have her on her front during daytime when she is constantly watched...
I would be really wary of letting such a young baby sleep on their tummy. I think the main reason it's recommended that babies sleep on their backs, is to prevent them from going into a deep sleep, which increases the chances of SIDS. I know it sucks but it's totally normal for such young babies to wake every couple of hours. They do start sleeping for longer stretches as they get older. X
Have u tried her on her side rather than on her front/back? I'd be quite wary about laying a young baby on her front due to SIDS. My LG hates being on her back, she'll nap 20/30 mins at most on her back but if she's on her side she'll nap for atleast 1.30 hours and 6-7 hours straight at night! X
My youngest had horrendous colic from birth. If he wasn't completely upright in my arms or lying on my chest he was screaming!! I actually thought I was going mad at one point and imagining how bad it was and considered taking myself to the Doctors!

One afternoon when he was 9 days old he was laid across my lap on his tummy and drifted off to sleep and stayed fast asleep for two hours! It was bliss! Next nap time I laid him in his crib on his tummy wide awake and within 5 mins he was fast asleep all by himself!! I watched him like a hawk and made sure he could turn his head which he could easily. I also put him on his back for the next nap and he screamed!

That was it from then on he was a tummy sleeper and slept beautifully. He's 2 now and is still 100% a tummy sleeper.

We just made sure we never put anything into his bed, no teddies/bed guard etc and covered him with a very light blanket as tummy sleeper get naturally warmer than back sleepers. That way he didn't over heat x
Thanks guys for all your comments, I have tried putting her on her side but she just rolls on to her back... after her napping for an hour and a half on front yesterday hubby has noticed a significant improvement in her neck movements overnight when holding/carrying her so if at the very least it speeds up her neck development then thats good too...she sleeps for 30minute spurts on her back and havent dared tried swaddling again as after her first night it was clear she was very tactile and liked being hands free...have just now put her in crib on front as I am now awake so will keep an eye on her, she does seem to settle within minutes whereas on her back can take half an it also normal that they dont pass wind as much as yesterday after nap where she was silent for ages when I picked her up she farted loads lol...on her back she finds farts easier but uncomfortable as she has to bring her knees up and sometimes have to assist her in doing this when she is fussing but asleep...
My son had colic/silent reflux as a baby and slept on his front from about 6 weeks - went from 2-3 hour blocks to 6 hours blocks!

My first daughter had full blown reflux from 2 weeks to 16 months! My hv actually recommended putting her to sleep on her tummy to help when she was sick etc at night! so she slept on her tummy from about 3 weeks.

My second daughter had no reflux issues, but preferred sleeping on her side - so I rolled blankets either side of her and that's what she did from day 2! :)
interesting that your hv recommended it...she doesnt have bad colic although can see she manages burps etc on tummy no problem, i want to see how she responds to being sick on her belly but even after a large feed and being put down after winding and 20mins she hasnt been sick yet...have bought the angelcare 401 sensorpad to test out also...hopefully this will give us peace of mind...
My daughter is sleeping on her side right now, seems much happier that way than on her back. I suspect she has reflux.
well she has been in crib all night with hubby but when I took over she wouldnt settle so she napped for hr and a half on my chest lying on sofa and now have just put her on tummy again, she really doesnt like on her back unless v tired which by 3am she's not lol...she has drunk a lot this morning though, tried a new technique whereby when she stirs a tiny bit give her a sleep feed (soo cute when she wont open her eyes lol) by gently picking her up and feeding straightaway small qty then do nappy then feed again, that way she has woken up enough to fill her nappy some more during sleep feed, had it changed then settled again with clean nappy and extra milk in her belly...surely that should be a winner for sleeping through the night....

Anyways, will wait and see how this angelcare sensorpad works and test it thoroughly but believe she is a tummy sleeper lol...hubby doesnt want her to be on her tummy while we nap in same room as her until she can turn from front to back and back to front (but that may be many months yet) and can see what he means but will keep an eye on it...
My girls were both tummy sleepers from birth. The midwives in the hospital were very unimpressed when my hubby said he had put our first daughter down on her tummy. She hadn't settled all night, he arrived, flipped her over and she slept for two hours. Never slept on her back. I know it's not recommended and I understand why but mine just wouldn't ever settle on their back.
wow claire your hubby obviously knew what he was doing first timers we're wary but also keen to find what works for her...
ok so during naptime yesterday she was a bit sick n whilst wasnt a lot she just lay there wiping it around her mouth...she did move her head up thus moving her nose away but didnt turn her head which is what was expecting...hmm this could take a while to master...
ok so have the angelcare sensorpad and so far effective...just got to work out how to turn volume down on alarm lol...

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