sleep on her own?


Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2008
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anyone else had this prob / got any suggestions?

Phoebe just wont sleep without being held. if we put her in her crib she just screams. at the mo, oh and i are having to do shifts to get through the night.

will she ever sleep on her own in her crib?!?
We've never had this problem but I just wondered if you have tried swaddling her before you put her in the crib? She may just like to feel secure. Give it a try if not, hope she settles for you soon :hug:
swaddling worked for us too, I also would feed him in his basket
i tried to put mine on her own but she would scream aswell and i gave up trying for the time being . i decided i prefer to keep her with me and we all get more sleep :lol:

i WILL get her sleeping on her own .... :roll: in a few weeks!!!
We have had more success today!

Firstly we found out that she hasn't been 'feeding' as it were, more just sucking. So she has lost more weight than they would like :cry: It broke my heart when they told me yesterday. I feel like such a failure. Mw suggested expressing to top her up, but manual pump was shite to say the least. Had to send OH out to 24hr Tesco for some forumla as she just wouldn't settle. He also managed to get me a Medela Electric expresser, which is a God send! Still feeling quite tearful about it all, but today has been a bit better, she is actually satisfied after feeding and then is sleeping - whereas yesterday she was screaming all day.

Secondly we realised that one of the reasons she wakes up is she keeps rolling on her side. So we bought one of these:

Nature Sensations Sleep Positioner

So far, it seems to be working - albeit slowly. She actually slept for about 3 hours in there today! I managed to sleep at the same time, and feel so much better.

Here is a pic:

Well done that's a great achievement for a newborn :clap:

She's likely to be that way for a few weeks hun, she's used to having mummy warmth all round her when she sleeps, and the big wide open world just doesn't cut it. We got one of those things too though ours was plain.. worked better in the "i-want-to-roll-over-and-play" stage.

But if she does revert back to wanting you again, I'd definately recommend swaddling, but give her a chance, shes still teeny tiny yet.

And well done for getting some sleep yourself, it's the hardest thing to do when you know the house needs tidying etc etc but a mums gotta do what a mums gotta do. x
Aaawwwwwwwwwww congratulations on the birth of your baby girl Phoebe, she's beautiful!!! :hug: :)

Please don't worry too much laracomps, I don't know what you are hoping for routine wise, but she's still only teeny tiny and so her being with you is not something that cannot be changed as she gets older, just enjoy her and its quite normal to feel teary, ask your MW/HV about it, they will reassure you :hug: Most LO's sleep patterns change constantly so try to go with flow as they say.

I was expressing in the first week after Isaac was born and got very, very little, so wanted to mention that you shouldn't feel upset if that happens, the more your baby needs, the more your body will supply, it just takes a little bit of time, your baby will be just fine, but always ask your MW/HV if you feel unsure and very, very best wishes, she's soooo adorable :) :hug: :hug: :hug:
laracomps said:
We have had more success today!

Firstly we found out that she hasn't been 'feeding' as it were, more just sucking. So she has lost more weight than they would like :cry: It broke my heart when they told me yesterday. I feel like such a failure. Mw suggested expressing to top her up, but manual pump was shite to say the least. Had to send OH out to 24hr Tesco for some forumla as she just wouldn't settle. He also managed to get me a Medela Electric expresser, which is a God send! Still feeling quite tearful about it all, but today has been a bit better, she is actually satisfied after feeding and then is sleeping - whereas yesterday she was screaming all day.

Secondly we realised that one of the reasons she wakes up is she keeps rolling on her side. So we bought one of these:

Nature Sensations Sleep Positioner

So far, it seems to be working - albeit slowly. She actually slept for about 3 hours in there today! I managed to sleep at the same time, and feel so much better.

Here is a pic:


I can understand what that's like - we had the same issue with Jenna. We were told to start top-ups when she was 4 days old as she had lost 11% of her birth weight and they wanted to re-admit her :( We started the top-ups, and combined with breast feeding she was then getting enough and seemed much more settled. We swaddled J from birth until she was about 14 week sold, then just half swaddled her (up to her armpits), and then got her into her Grobag at about 16 weeks old. We used the same swaddling as you, from Grobag - I found it great coz it's nice and light. We wrapped Jenna tighter than you have wrapped Phoebe, but she liked it like that. For the first 2 weeks she slept in her moses basket at the end of our bed (after that she slept in her moses basket in her cot in her own room). Night times were restless as she wanted to feed every couple of hours (I didn't do top-ups at night, just BF), but she always went down asleep afterwards. Phoebe is still so young, you kind of just have to go with it for now. The other thing we did, from when Jenna was about 2 weeks old, was not let her sleep longer than about 1.5 - 2hrs at any one time during the day without waking her up for some activity time, This helped her learn the difference between night & day very quickly.

Oh, and we also bought some anti-roll bolsters - we still use them and they work great :D

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