sleep no longer breeds sleep :-(


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2011
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well after a good few nights of a good feeding n bed time routines Kayla is now a bloody nightmare,

she is sleeping more in the day this week and still goes to bed at 8 after her last feed and self settles but now starts stirring at 1 am so i pop in her dummy n she settles for a bit but kinda of moans n ehhhhhhh if that makes sense, i hold her off till about 2 at least n feed her but she isnt starving n spits out milk as she is drinking but does look for more if i take the bottle away, when i put her back down she will continue to moan untill i get her up at 6 r 7, n will happily sleep on me downstairs without a peep out of her till 8 when i almost have o wake her for her bottle

any ideas?

she moved into her cot but was fine the first few nights so not sure if it could be to do with that, im sooo tired from the lack of sleep iv even stopped her gaviscon today to see if her constipation get better incase thats whats wrong
Could be constipation by the sounds of it. Samira was really suffering with the as long as I gave her Gaviscon, and it did keep her awake at night, making strange "pressing" noises etc. Not that she sleeps any better now, though :wink: - we're still up every 1-2 hours (yawn), but at least she's not in pain!
How long Does she sleep through the day, i normally follow issacs lead but his growth spurt (just finished) mass him sleep all hours and through the night he just whined whilst sleeping too x
If your worried about constipation what about giving her cooled boiled water with a pinch of sugar (old wives tale but I believe it helps). Could it be the position she's lying in has that changed any with being in the cot?? I put G down asleep last night so on her back and she wriggled about for ages in her sleep, but lay completely still when I shifted her onto her side which is her normal position.

Would she be feeling like the cot is very open - would a sleeping bag help??

Sorry - just throwing out random
Suggestions. Xxx
oh could be growth then but feeding the same so not sure

yeah we raised the cot too but maybe not enough and put her in sleeping bag too , she's not too fond of the water but have lactoluse which is just sugar water so give little bit of that

just at a loss n felt soo bad for bein angry at her this morning its not her fault but just feeling worn out
hey hun Alyssa has been waking at 5am and then every hour after for a couple of days and not napping well during the day either. she had a mega sleep last night from half 8 til 2.30am then took 8oz of formula off my oh. shame she then only slept til 5am and woke every hour just for me to tuck her hands under the blanket and pat her back! annoying isnt the word, she wasnt hungry or anything else just being a total pain. now im knackered and every time i put her down she cries.
Aww no did she , you think its a growth spurt or she just being a cheeky little messer like kayla?

Iv eased up on the gaviscon and she has has 2 little poo's both rock hard and still straining hard with another so hopefully if she gets all that out she will be better tonight , gonna raise the cot a little more too and put back in the rolled up towels at either side of her

if that doesn't work then i don't know what to do ,

its soo horrible being so sleep deprived isnt it!
yeah its horrid especially since shes sleeping now but wont be put down lol. i give alyssa half a sachet of gaviscon in every other bottle to avoid constipation, seems to work ok but still help the reflux a bit
I'm sure there is a 6 or 7 week growth spurt, that will be the cause i believe x
I can't put Aj down very often either. Had a really good morning up till the 4pm feed and then he screamed for a hour and a half. Gave him gripe water cos he had trapped wind but didn't help. Just when you think things are looking up they go back again. Its so disheartening hun I know. Hope she settles soon. If its any consulation I haven't had a full nights sleep since I was 7 months pregnant. Was in pain during pregnancy and in hospital after the c-section then AJ came home and started with his problems. lol. I am officially a zombie!!!! Bloody look like one to!!
Henry is currently havin a growth spurt at7 weeks. He won't sleep during the day unless we r out and is (well feels like!) he is constantly feeding.

Not sure about the constipation tho xxxx
FFS tried to reply 3 times n keep hitting something on this stupid tablet n clearin it all ahhhh

can they have growth spurt without wanting extra feeds?

haha zombe is defo what i feel and look like, trying to summon d energy to trow on a bit of fake tan so i can look hafl normal tmrw cos wee gon out for the day with baby n know il run into loads of people lol
It might be the start of it, Issac didn't have extra feeds but then suddenly did then changed it from more to little and often.

It lasted 3weeks. (Prepare yourself for the 4month one) is she drooling? Could be teething

It might be the start of it, Issac didn't have extra feeds but then suddenly did then changed it from more to little and often.

It lasted 3weeks. (Prepare yourself for the 4month one) is she drooling? Could be teething

yeah she been drooling for a few weeks but hv said its just cos she found her hands, that and her reflux think she a little young for teething

i just dont know shes just not her self at all, shes up in bed but still awake and grunting, she also feels very hot but has no temp jut her skin all over is very hot
i think its a growth spurt hun as were having a similar thing. Alyssa is taking much more at some feeds and sleeping longer or hardly at all. also shes really fussy and irritable and seems to be having tummy pains sometimes or reflux pain a bit too. tho one minute shes beaming smiles and the next screaming so loud its scary!
hope thats all and she goes back to normal soon, i just dont get the spitting out the milk at the 2 am feed but screaming for the bottle if i stop feeding her, does lyssa do that when u give the top up formula at the mo?
shes been screaming for her bottle, screaming when we take it out to burp her but sometimes screaming around it too and just letting it drool out her mouth...teething or growth spurt or the thrush on her tongue i dunno what it is but its a pain in the ass!
shes only happy, content and sleepy when on the boob atm, the minute its out her mouth shes not happy again
It could be teething, babies are never too young some at born with teeth, Issac started teething at 6weeks and there is still no teeth he was drooling but only just found his hands. I think she is too young for calpol but you could try a touch of teething gel on her gums if she settles and seems less grizzly id put it down to the teeth x
Oh just thought,if she is crying after a feed like she is still hungry but spitting it out, it might be wind. Issac suffered pretty bad, i can't believe i forgot lol x

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