Sleep Issues (Lil Rant)


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2010
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Hiya all

So tell me.. Who else has been having really vivid nightmares.. Uncontrolable body temperature.. Itchy all over.. fidgeting in bed to get comfy.. and waking up and really random times of the night ?

If no one else is having sleep issues I am really gonna sulk.

I keep throwing my covers around, and then tugging them back and throwing them off again. My entire collarbone, and upper chest area seems to have broken out it heat spots ( I dont think thats what they are but they are little red bumps that dont burst like spots so yah..) and at night they get itchy as hell, aswell as the rest of skin feeling like its crawling all night. I am getting really weird dreams, Like last night I was reading a book that I had never read before so I must have written it as the dream was progressing.. Ok that one not to weird but the night before I woke up screaming in agony clutching my side because I was convinced I had a broken rib as I did in the dream. Took OH a good 45 minutes to convince me I was fine and that it was infact a dream. And then I keep waking up at really strange times, 1am, 3am, or whatever.. But there is always a constant.. 4:55am On the dot every morning I wake up. And not just a dazey waking up, Nope im wide awake rearing to go, Even if I have only had 4 hours sleep!

Help :(
am having sleep probs aswell. i feel really sleepy by bout 11 fall a sleep then toss and turn all night. i get to hot so kick over the cover then am to cold have loads of strange crazy dreams. then am wide awake by 6 so i end up giving up by then and just get up. it is driving me a little mad i used to love my sleep and am a bit ofa grump with lack of it xx
I'm the same,been takin myself off to bed at half 9 every night cos then I can get a few hours sleep b4 hubby joins me,then I'm too hot,too cold,itchy legs,cramp,need a wee,then my dreams r just bizarre..had a dream about pf last nite,I dreamt my in laws were on the forum and I was so nervous about them readin my thoughts and feelings x
Ye having crazy dreams too, last night dreamt I had a baby boy and I couldnt find him. When i did he was a caterpillar. how bizzare. Ha Ha I am also itching but mainly my boobies. Also have a time of 5.50am of waking up. xxx
I'm the same, i go to bed early but can't fall asleep for another 2 hours!! im up every 2-3 hours due to needing the loo and i know this isn't pregnancy related but im itching very badly due to getting sun burn last week lol my own fault there!!
Yes me too I'm afraid - Last night, I woke up and 5am, went back to sleep and dreamt I had gone to india on a plane, and needed the loo so tried every toilet on the plane, and i kept getting told to sit down and that I couldn't use them, so when we landed I raced round the airport to find a loo and went slightly too far out of the airport area, found a loo and then had to find a stewardess to tell me how to get back from the car park to the airport building, and when I got back in , the arested me and deported me for breaking the rules!!! nightmare
Sleeping is not working for me at the moment either. The longest uninterrupted period of sleep I have managed in 3 months is 4.5 hrs!!!! Have vivid dreams and then wake up either every 1 hr on a bad night or every 2hrs on an average night. The wide awake somewhere between 5.15 ad 5.30am. Really, really hoping that this will start to get better as I move towards tri2 as its starting to get me down now :(
i think it must be a pregnancy thing cause i a ot sleeping either all of the above x
I feel guilty cos I only seem to sleep all through the night if my OH isn't here! How bad is that? lol

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