

Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2007
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I've been sat on my sofa all afternoon as I'm soooooooooo tired :sleep: . I've got no housework done :oops: . I have been at work this morning though.

I feel almost as tired as I did in the 1st tri and started falling asleep on the sofa in the evening again. Anyone else started getting tired again? Is this back to stay now? I had been feeling quite energetic.

I fell asleep at 8pm on Friday and woke up at 9am on Saturday. That's 13 hours sleep with only a couple of toilet trips!!!
I'm totally with you on this hun, I've been far more tired in second tri than I was in first :think: I work from home and my eyes just kept shutting at my desk this morning, so much so I decided to curl up on the couch for half an hour's snooze, woke up 2 hours later feeling refreshed then another half an hour at the computer and I was dozing off again!
Not much work getting done today! Off to a Kaiser Chiefs concert tonight too so will likely be even more tired tomorrow!

Sarah x
My tiredness has returned too, I envy your afternoon snoozing :D
yes havent got any less tired at all really since 1st tri, been on iron tablets since 10 weeks though so that might be why i havent felt any better being anaemic
I so know what you mean!

I was terrible in 1st tri, then up until about 14 weeks I just gained bags of energy and could go for aaaages without feeling tired! I'd wake up refreshed too.

But now? Oh dear! :roll: I'm in desperate need of afternoon naps and constantly yawning. It's hit me like a brick wall this past week or two.

I sympathise! It must be normal though? Think how hard our bodies are working right now :sleep: xx
Glad I'm not the only one, seems to have been the last week it's hit me.

I've been getting sofa guilt :lol: .

Was feeling great after 16 weeks but it must be because we're approaching 3rd tri.

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