Skin reactions


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2008
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Hey girls :wave: I was just wondering if any of you have found your skin react differently to certain things since becoming pregnant?
I wear a lot of jewelry which I never take off (feel completely naked without it!) but its leaving dirty marks on my skin which has never happened before and all of my earrings are hurting my ears, leaves them red and swollen.
Also I've been using johnson's holiday skin lotion but its leaving my skin streaky and an unnatural colour. I used it last year and it left my skin with a lovely golden colour but it hasn't this year! :(
But the good thing is pregnancy had done wonders for my exzema (sp?), it seems to have completely disappeared!
What has everyone elses skin been like since becoming pregnant?
my exczema has gone too, apparently when you are pregnant you produce mroe steriods whihc is what is used to treat exczema anyway. My mother got lucky and hers never came back either.

I haven't had a reaction to anything, but i try and stay away from as many chemicals as possile (have hardly cleaned the house since getting the BFP in november :D ).

I love my skin since being pregnant. I have no spots at all now and my skin feels really smooth and in good condition. I had a bit of eczema flaring up on my hands in second tri but nothing since then :D I've also found I don't need to wash my hair as often either which is lovely. I hope I don't get spots after the birth though, I want my skin to stay this way forever :D
I have had horrible skin since becoming pregnant, spots and dry skin,it is only just started to clear up and look normal again :shock:
I've seriously never had a spot on my face, so I don't think pregnancy has affected the skin on my face but my psoriasis is sooooo bad!! I went to the delivery suit Sunday night and the Gynae thought I had menengitis(sp?) when he was doing my internal!! :? I had to explain that although it was all on my thighs and I can't see it, I know it's there and I know what it is lol!

RE the lotions and jewellery, your body (including your skin) is just oversensitive to protect baby. I found that with my perfume, it just doesn't smell the same on me any more because of all the hormones etc :hug: xxx
Thanks for the replies girls :hug: Its interesting to see how pregnancy affects everyones skin so differently
Amazing how much the sun affects me since becoming pregnant, I've made the mistake of getting burnt a bit too easily where I wouldn't have before. I've been much much more careful since!
My face keeps breaking out. I had this problem before because I have PCOS, but I could get it under control then and can't now. I think my hands and elbows are drier, as well, but other than that everything is the same. It's common to develop allergies and things during pregnancy, so it makes sense your skin would react differently to metals and things.
my skin has been awful since being pregnant, keep getting lots of spots on my face and my back :puke:. and ive defently been the same as you regarding piercings, my ears seem hell of alot more sensitive!
My skin has been sooooo itchy, particularly my legs, I drive DH mad at night with the itching, now have scarred and scabby legs :puke: which I am hoping will go away eventually :pray: Also my eczema has flared up on my hands but I think thats more to do with the amount of hand washing I have to do in my job in combination with the hormones! However the skin on my face looks really good, like I've had fillers or botox or something :D . This pregnancy malarky is darn bizarre!

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