Sister in law


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2011
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hya ladies bit of advice please - as you know or may not know im having trouble with the in laws at the minute. My OH's sister text me last night saying - FYI you cant put bumpers on a babies cot until they are 4m long as they might suffocate??? As apposed to banging their head or falling down the sides?? it sounds like a lode of s*** to me but....what do you all think? Also im not sure we are getting him a mosses basket as we cant afford it at the moment :( xx
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Hey chick my best friend works with someone whose LO did suffocate on the bumpers in their cot :( so I won't be having any on my cot, but it's personal choice as I know plenty of other people who have them without problem!

HTH :) xx

Sent from my nearly buggared iPhone!!
I know they are not reccomended, I also will not be using one on my LO's cot. Its on for decoration but will take it off before he is put in his cot x
I've always had them although as guildlines say baby should b feet to foot of cot so will b no where near the bumpers or bars. do think its a personal choice though hun xxxx
This is how clueless I am...what's a bumper?xx
Omg I didn't know this! LO has a Moses basket to start anyhoo

Smith1980 - im very sorry to hear that hun, obviously i will reconsider them now i will have to find out more about this, thank you ladies for replying xx
We have a bumper on our cot but as the baby has to be at the bottom of the cot I dont see it as a problem having it x
traci - how come the baby has to be at the bottom of the cot hun?xx
They recommend that the baby is "feet to foot" so there is less risk of suffocation from blankets and stuff that can cause SIDS. That way baby cant wriggle down and put anything over their face x
If they are at the top they can wriggle down under the covers and suffocate..
I've always used bumpers with the girls and never thought there was a risk :shock: I've always put baby at bottom of cot/crib so they've never really been near the bumpers til a few months old anyway..
If you put them in the feet to foot position they should be fine anyway. I have heard bumpers can cause suffocation and overheating so mine are coming off when baby is here, only had them on to show OH's mum as she bought us the set. This is some info I've found on how to reduce cot death and it explains the feet-to-foot position

  • Place your baby on his back to sleep; a healthy baby is not more likely to choke in this position and sleeping on the back has been shown to reduce the incidence of cot death
  • Do not smoke during pregnancy
  • Make your baby’s room a smoke-free zone, and don't smoke if he comes into bed with you
  • Keep your baby's cot in your bedroom for the first six months
  • Don't let your baby get too hot; check his temperature by putting your hand on his tummy or the back of his neck. Keep the room your baby sleeps in at a comfortable temperature (around 64 degrees F/ 18 degrees C).
  • Make up the cot with the baby in the ‘feet to foot’ position. The sheets and blankets are made up half way down the cot and tucked under the mattress, so that your baby lies with his feet at the end of the cot. This makes it difficult for your baby to wriggle down under the bedclothes
  • Use a sheet and blankets so you can take a layer or two off if he is hot, or add another layer if he is cold
  • Don't use duvets or pillows for babies under one year
  • Your baby can also wriggle his head under a loose cot bumper or large soft toy, so you may prefer not to put these into the cot until he is over a year
  • Have your baby immunised - there's evidence to show that this reduces the risk of cot death
  • Don't fall asleep on a sofa with your baby, there is a risk of rolling on to them
  • If you smoke, have been drinking alcohol, are very tired or if you're taking drugs or medication that may make you sleepy, don't share a bed with your baby
  • Even if you don’t smoke or haven’t been drinking, co-sleeping is no longer considered safe for your baby. For children under eight weeks old, co-sleeping increases the risk of sudden infant death by 1.6 per cent.
  • If your baby is unwell, seek medical advice promptly.
Its funny it says bumpers after a yr old.. When most say take bumpers off when they can sit unaided..
thank you forr all your advice i feel alot wiser now! xx

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