silly worry today


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2006
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I think I am uber hormonal today cause my moods have been terrible!!

And here is what has caused it...

Last night I had a dream that my baby was born with downs, and i woke up feeling really sad and upset cause of this. I have been trying to calm myself all day and look for reason.

I am not sure why I am letting this bug me so much! my 12 week scan was perfect, everything was deemed normal at my 20 week scan. the babies heart is healthy (thats how they check for downs at scans I have been told). The baby is lovely and active and everything has been going wonderfully!!!

So why am I letting a silly dream upset me so much!!!

Someone talk me down of this ledge!

xx :rotfl: xx
Jump :rotfl:

I'd say it's a normal worry for a caring mum to be.

By dreaming about it your working it out in your head, i'm sure as you say all will be fine. :hug:

Now get down OFF THE LEDGE :D

Its normal to have dreams like this hun :hug:
While pregnant with Kiara i always had hrooide dreams of having a boy and the boy was about 8 months old and i would find him dead in every dream , ide wake up crying :? they say its due to worrying about being a parent and all the anxiety ect. Its normal to get upset hun but remember its just a dream and it dont mean anything

Yes Vicky I think we all do it.

I dreamt the other day that OH and I had previously had a baby with severe downs and had put him in a home. We went to the home to see him for the first time ever and he was about 8. I was totally devasted and felt so guilty that I was having a new baby when I had previously abandoned one!

God knows what brought that one on! :?
Vicky, I think it is normal to have such dreams during pregnancy. If you think about what your body is going through (let alone your mind) then it all makes sense. Dreams are a way of processing subconsious (or conscious) fears and perhaps it has allowed this worry to come to the surface so that you can analyse it and rip it apart. I think that when you wake up and remember a bad dream it can ruin your whole day as it sort of lingers with you like a little rain cloud. The only advice I can give you is that normally it takes another nights sleep to get rid of the mood left from the night before. Just try and do things today to brighten your mind and occupy yourself so you don't worry too much. Tomorrow is a new day and perhaps tonight you will dream instead of your baby becoming a world famous scientist or a highly paid footballer or something completely the opposite of what you had dreamt :D

Take care! :hug:
:hug: :hug:

can only agree with whats been said and send you a hug...hope your day gets better
ah hun i feel the same... i didn't hear my baba since my scan at 15 weeks and after i ws thing something is wrong.. but since i've got my Doppler i feel that everything is going well... i have my 20 week scan soon :D

and after that i don't want to be thinking, what if and but

my friend said to me you need to stop going though your pregnancy with what if and buts.. and just enjoy it before your pregnancy is over and your missing being pregnant and having your bump

but it's hard and it's natural as well xx

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