Silly idea.....


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2012
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Don't know why, but for some reason i just looked at the tri2 page and saw all the posts of the people I was chatting to when I first joined tri1 and they were all talking about 20 week scans, bumps etc. Really wish I hadn't done that now as I've been coping quite well and concentrating on my upcoming wedding and ttc again but curiosity got the better of me and now I feel really crappy that im not there with them sharing the same news. I know (or at least I hope!) I'll be there one day, hopefully in the not too distant future but as every month passes and another af arrives it really starts to get you down doesn't it. You feel like youll never get a bfp and you'll be childless forever whilst everyone around you is having babies! Sorry for the moan but it feels good to vent :) x
You will be darling - with both of my losses - other ladies are now cuddling 3 month old babies! Its hard, it really is... but as time passes, it does get easier xx
Been there done that, keep going and focus in every day life.
Sorry for your loss :( I hope things will go as planned in the future :hug:
I only joined after my 2nd miscarriage, I then fell pregnant again but sadly miscarried for the third time.

I still kept in touch with one or two of the ladies I met whilst I was briefly in tri 1, they've all had their bubs.

I know now it just wasn't my time but it was sometimes hard to be in touch with people and know that you should have been sharing milestones?

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Thanks ladies. It's so annoying as I have managed to get past thinking about it every 5 mins and I'm sure this is just a minor blip but you know when you do something and then think 'you plonker, what did you do that for?!' I am currently telling myself off! ;) x
i know exactly how u feel cornishfairy i was around the same as u i think i should be coming up to 23 weeks now :-( and i often look in the tris see how the ladies are doing and it does upset me not so much now but i used to force myself to look and it has helped me i still hurt like hell i had 2 mcs in a yr and here i am ttc again hoping and preying it will happen b4 my due date wanted it before my 40th bd which is in 3 weeks and i will be due to test a couple of days before it but i think im putting to much pressure on myself so hoping for it now before my due date of dec 8th,if ya ever need a chat just inbox me im always up for a gd old chin wag and moan :) take care our day will come xxx
have been there too cornish, it is very hard.
i dont think you ever will forget or sometimes think what could of been.
Its part of you, part of your life story. xx

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