Signs and signals??


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2009
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We've all got more than regular bowel movements towards the end. Back ache, mucus plug ect.. So I thought I would make a thread to list your signs and signals on and we can guess who will be next to "pop"

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More regular bowel movements (2 today, sorry if tmi) :0 which is very unusual for me!! Lots of clear like slime which I've not had before now so hope this is a step futher in the right direction..... Oh and period cramps and backache but been having those two for bloody ages!!!!! :) :)

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I lost a bit of brownish snotty discharge on Friday after about 10 minutes of intense pains. I gather this is part of my plug but I haven't had anything since.. Just the odd twinge in my foof.

Will be watching This thread with interest!
Lots of clear snotty discharge, braxtons and throwing up!!
Extra bathroom trips, constant nausea with occasional throwing up, loads of pressure and aches in lower bump and loads if braxton hicks.
lower bump niggles and frantic nesting but that is really my lot slightly nausious but probably more related to heartburn
Lots of signs and signals woot!! Xx

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It's ironic that when ttc you symptom spot to try to tell if you're pg and then when you're nearly due you symptom spot again to tell if you'll be going into labour. Also you spend the first 37 weeks praying baby'll stay in and then when you hit 37 weeks you start praying they'll arrive!
Heavy egg white discharge for the past 3 days, bump is a bit periody pain type now and again, pooing loads, oh and a bit of nesting thats about it tho. Olivers still active and i dont think hes dropped will find out at mw appt tomozz :)
Period pains, back ache, pelvis pain, more toilet breaks. Tbh I am only 35 weeks so I know it'll be a wee while longer for me yet. I'll be upset if I dip in to November as October has always been *the* month for us to meet our little girl.

Emma x
I've got mw's on Thursday gonna ask if baby is any more engaged feels really low and lots of back ache and front ache like a strong period. Had lots of mucas plug and bloody show and my nipples are leaking like mad lol but baby is very active and hurting me when moving and omg averaging about 7 yea 7 loose pooh's a day!!! Its mad! And I normally only 3 a week lol totally gone off my food I'm soooo hungry today DH spent 3hrs on a lamb roast and it was beautiful so mouth watering - couldn't eat it had about 5 mouthfuls just wasn't interested and just tried again heated it back through through and DH has ended up eating it just so it doesn't waste - but I bet I will still be last to drop :rotfl:

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today DH spent 3hrs on a lamb roast and it was beautiful so mouth watering - couldn't eat it had about 5 mouthfuls just wasn't interested and just tried again heated it back through through and DH has ended up eating it just so it doesn't waste - but I bet I will still be last to drop :rotfl:

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Ur DH sounds a gem :) Where can you buy these types from? Thank u please lol x
I found him on girls date for free .com lol!! So he was free right barging! Lol!! He cooks me dinner like two times a week if I get the meat out for him the night before or ask him too he loves doing a roast and is really good at it - better than me but shhhhhhhh! Don't tell him I said that haha!!

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strong BH, twings in my twink, loose bowels, sore tummy n backache.. but i dont think thats signs of anything tho.. just pregnancy..
Bh is good :) baby practising contractions xxx

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I haven't had any braxton hicks for ages that a good thing? Does that mean he'll be in there a little while longer yet?
Might just be the quiet before the storm xx

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Had a few stomach cramps today, not really felt anything like them before, fingers crossed it could be the start of something... don't wanna get my hopes too high though

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