
Riley's Mommy

Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2006
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Riley really isnt feeding well :(

hes got reflux, so has been having EBM with his medicine. im upping his dosage to 4times aday.

he just wont feed from me today. he just lies the, goes red in the face and screams. :(

why is bf so hard, ive been so determined to succeed. what could this be?
It is tough.

I'd avoid the bottle as much as you can though, I'm sure thats what made Maia lazy.

You can give the gaviscon via syringe or possibly a doidy cup mixed with 3 teaspoons of water.
Hey Steph,

So sorry it's so tough for you - I think you've done amazingly to still be breastfeeding after all the problems poor Riley has had.

I think you need some extra support - can you go to your lactation counsellor (sp?) or call La Leche league/NCT breastfeeding help - I'd hate to see you give up. I think HelloKitty's suggestion is excellent about using a doidy cup or syringe to give him his EBM and medicine (not bottles).

I am thinking of you - lots of love and please let us know how you get on.

Valentine xxx
Hellokitty said:
It is tough.

I'd avoid the bottle as much as you can though, I'm sure thats what made Maia lazy.

You can give the gaviscon via syringe or possibly a doidy cup mixed with 3 teaspoons of water.

I agree with this! breastfeeding is hard work for your baby too and if he thinks he can get it easier from the bottle then thats what he will create for. If you can persevere then it will be so much better for you! Logan had Reflux and I was told that it would be even worse if I gave him formula! (not sure if thatis true but its what I was told) We persevered and he grew out of it! you have done a fab job so far well done!
thanks ladies.

ive been trying to reduce the amount of EBM he has. but its so hard, as atm, he is only having 10mins at the breast tops. sometimes he wont take it at all :(

im going to perservere, as i really want to b.feed him. ive come so far it would be a shame to give up now.

V- do you have to pay for them helpers? as shamefully, i dont have money to spend on a proffessional.

on an up note, i did b.feed sort of in public yesterday. it was an empty cafe at a shopping complex. but every step counts :)
Hi :hug: :hug:

It is hard and a couple of times I have felt like giving up but have actually been spurred on by the fact I couldn't be arsed making bottles all day - and of course because breast is best!

Just a thought..... :think: ..you say he's only having 10 mins. I think that's about normal and maybe he is just full after this. My little lad is a bit older but at this age he was reducing the time he was feeding for as he became better at it. He now feeds for anything between 5 and 10 mins and no longer....he's putting on weight fine and very happy.

On the reflux side of things, not an expert but I used to just swap him over from one boob to the other until he was happy, took a few mins but in the end he'd latch on. Also, I found that giving him to dad (if poss.) or just changing his nappy for a few mins calmed the situation as it was really upsetting for him and for me.

Good luck, sorry for the LONG reply!!
The breast feeding support groups we have locally are all free. The one up at Royal Berkshire Hospital (in Reading) is particuarly good. I don't know where you are but if you are near Reading then that one is well worth a trip to. I wouldn't have succeeded in breast feeding if it wasn't for there advise.

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