

Jun 9, 2011
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I'm nearly 9 weeks pregnant and suffering from such bad nausea, I've spent the last 3 weeks feeling like if I move at all I am going to be sick. I've got really bad heartburn and keep retching -even wrist-bands aren't working! In the last 4 days I've had a really upset stomach too. I feel like I'm being an absolute wimp, as all i seem able to do is sleep. I can't face eating anything now and I'm beginning to worry that my baby is missing out on vital nutrients. Since this is my third baby I should know better and not worry, but i was no-where near this ill before, my mum says it's because I'm so much older now -I'm 35 and my youngest is nearly 7, so maybe I've just forgotten it all! I'm also feeling guilt at neglecting my other 2 kids so much by barely being able to move, especially my son, who is autistic.

It would be great to know there are other people out there and I'm not alone- which I know I'm not...blooming pregnancy hormones...!

8 weeks and dealing with all day nausea, I'm feeling your pain!

I'm forced to do almost nothing all day, the slightest movement makes my stomach do acrobatics and it is THE most frustrating thing.

Fingers crossed you feel better soon! I know how difficult it is to stay optimistic, but it has to go away at some point.
Thank you! It's rubbish isn't it!? Oh well, count down to the second trimester and feeling better!
Take care
Im the same hun feeling a little reprieve today but yesterday any movement would set me off
I had awful nausea and the doctor prescribed me some pills that have done me the world of good!
I just got in and threw up, but was mostly bile. Grim :roll:

Oh yuck -poor you!
Pills from the Dr are beginning to sound rather tempting, I've got another 3 weeks until i see the midwife for the first time, so maybe I will see the doc if it doesn't start to get better soon!

Pills? That's very interesting! What do I have to do to get some? (OK, that sounded dodgy, but it stays)

I take it they're safe for baby?
I carry gingernut biscuits or gingerbread around in my bag and make sure I have lots at home! I get very nauseous around food (duh!) and find sitting down and sipping water helps. I've lost a few pounds as well, from thinking I could still manage the same meals - there are a lot that I can't handle anymore. Fancy staying on bread for as long as I can, with my trusted gingernuts, too.
i suffered with my 1st until 22 weeks and docs prescribed tablets (avomine) and they helped a little but not all the time.
im hoping i dont get it as bad now as im 5+2 at mo and waiting for it, have feelings of nausea which im thinking are gonna develop into full blown sickness
I'm feeling the same Cazzlou. Today was the first morning the toothbrush/toothpaste really made me gag.
I dont post all too much but read alot, so excuse me for butting in on your thread! I have had really awfull sickness from about week 11 to now(nearly 17 weeks). I thought I had been lucky and escaped it, no such luck! I had heard a few people mention seabands which are for travel sickness and you wear them around your wrist and they apply a bit of pressure to a certain spot. I was so desperate on Saturday that I was willing to try anything and bought a pair (about £7 in Tesco pharmacy) and for me they have worked AMAZING! I had thought that they would be a load of rubbish but I have gone from feeling totally crapp 99% of the time to feeling great 99% of the time. You have to make sure they are on the right place, I can tell when they are as its a bit tender for me but totally worth it! Im sure they wont work for everyone but they are def worth a shot! x

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