is yours??


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2009
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hi all.

Wondering how everyone else is coping with sickness???

Mine's still really bad at the moment and i have a GP appointment this afternoon to see if he will prescribe something to control it as its getting out of hand!

Almost didn't get DS to pre-school today as every time i tried to leave the house i had to run back to the bathroom :(

Its weird how i keep assuming that things that stopped the sicky feeling with Leo will work with this one as its so not true this time round.

the only thing that calmed my tummy a few mins ago was to drink half a glass of milk.....which while i was pregnant with Leo i couldn't touch milk for 5 months as it used to curdle straight away.

Ginger biscuits aren't working either, lemonade worked last week but doesn't seem to have much of an effect this week which is gutting.

So how are you coping and what are you trying?????

Lynz...mommy to 3yr old Leo, 1 angel lost at 6+1 and blip 7+6 EDD 16/03/2011
For the past 3-4 weeks at work I have been drinking a nesquik chocolate milkshake and eating digestive biscuits until i get home from work and can eat my evening meal. Anything more substantial before then and it comes back up. For some weird reason the weekends dont tend to be as bad.

I got bored of ginger biscuits and travel bands had no effect.

I hope you can get something sorted or it eases.
At 15 weeks still got religious morning sickness. I've kinda accepted it and gonna wait for it to bugger off. Lol. X
I'm really really struggling and adding that to a new job means I feel like I'm sinking and can't cope. Just want to be in bed all day, I'm extremely tired. I keep getting sent home from work or being unable to go in as my sickness is pretty much all day sickness.

I have tried having a cup of tea and a biscuit before even getting out of bed which seems to help a bit but normally I'm so bursting for the loo, I can't wait for my tea, I have to get up!

I also bought some travel sickness bands today as they are supposed to work but had no luck with them so far.

I find smells make it worse and I can smell 'everything' at the moment!
I'm still getting sickness now and again but it's died down alot! The only thing that helps me is chewing gum! If I'm feeling nauseous, I'll chew gum and it goes almost straight away!! Hope the docs helped earlier x x
Im not too bad at the moment considering i thought I might be the same as i was with DD and throw up from the moment I wake up till I sleep again! THink its going pounce at any time tho...with a vengence!

Mine is worse around 5pm onwards....although sometimes waves of nausia just strike at random moments!

I think it might be tea , mine has really ramped up in the last week, or so, and all I did last week was go back to caffine tea as needed to be on the ball at work last week, and ever since sickness has been back (well just the naseau). so back to caffine free this week, and it's calming a bit

I found the small glass of skimmed milk helped my tum too

Hope it eases soon for you
i think ive thrown up about 3 times since i got pregnant. i just get bad nausea some times.
hope your feeling better soon hunny xxx
Well I was put on Cyclizine tablets for bad sickness, and they helped for a while, but now it's really gearing back up again - haven't stopped being sick the last few days.

I can smell EVERYTHING as well, it's HORRIBLE!!

I thought it was supposed to be getting better by now, not worse:(

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