Sickness and appetite loss


Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2008
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Ugh, I feel sick most of the time at the moment, and certain smells or even thinking about certain foods makes me feel like I'll hurl. :puke: All I can manage to stomach is Weetabix, soup with bread, and crackers with Philidelphia... does anyone else have it this extreme?!

luckily I don't but I know it's very common.

i find that the more nasueas I get the less I feel like eating but if I do eat i don't feel sick anymore.

You are doing the right thing by eating plain foods that you can keep in. I found that having something to eat at least every couple of hours kept the worst of my sickness at bay.

Now as soon as I start to feel sick I eat something even if I don't fancy it and it always makes me feel better
Chrissy1 said:
luckily I don't but I know it's very common.

i find that the more nasueas I get the less I feel like eating but if I do eat i don't feel sick anymore.

Now as soon as I start to feel sick I eat something even if I don't fancy it and it always makes me feel better

I find that the sickness abates a little once I've eaten, so thanks - I'll try eating little and often (every couple of hours). Thanks! :D

me too..... i hate food , feel constantly sick and i know that i need to eat when my stomach starts rumbling.

I'm with you, it's rubbish :puke:
yes I'm in the same boat! It's come to the point where I'm sick of eating and nothing much appeals!
Some days like today I almost have to eat every hour or less :roll: , and even then the sickie feeling doesn't quite go away. Can't wait for the 1st tri to roll on :pray:
amethyst_echidna said:
Ugh, I feel sick most of the time at the moment, and certain smells or even thinking about certain foods makes me feel like I'll hurl. :puke: All I can manage to stomach is Weetabix, soup with bread, and crackers with Philidelphia... does anyone else have it this extreme?!


Yep!! But then I feel just as bad when I eat!? ha
Sometimes I really crave a certain things and have to go get it so I can eat haha
I have been taking vitamins with my folic acid so Im not too worried right now about not getting enough of them!
Today I started eating regularly rather than having meals, and I've noticed a lot of improvement. I've also found it's worse when I'm tired, so I'm sleeping when I feel tired rather than set hours at night. Generally I'm still sleeping most of the night but I do tend to have a random few hours (like now) in the middle of the night where I can't sleep! LOL I also find I have really REALLY big cravings. The other week I was totally fixated on beans on toast - I HAD to have them and I couldn't think of anything else. Tonight, O/H mentions Pizza Hut and now I can't think of anything else at all!! Mmmmmmmmmm... Pizza Hut... *drools* It's so frustrating! LOL

I definiately think little and often is best, and found eating a little before I went to helped a bit.

for my first weeks 8 weeks I think I lived on Bananas, pears and cereal in the morning and then just ate whatever I fancied when I felt like it, which was it seem every hours or so.

now at 20 weeks and still unfortunately getting m/s although it has got much better, usually now just sick once and then eat toast and feel much better.

Hope you all feel better soon. Lindsey
I still get sick now and again and im 17 weeks now!

It was hard work in the first tri but girls it DOES get a thousand times better so hang on in there!!!

I have been so orried as I have cannot stomach anything food wise! I have been so ill cant get off the sofa etc and its been horrible, but my OH just reminded me that I always get like this when I take iron tabs and iron is in my multi-vits with the folic acid! So I need to get some folic acid on its own now and ditch them multi-vits! I dont even know why they put iron in them tbh!
I constantly feel as if I am just recovering from a stomach bug! It is horrible!! :( I am not actually being sick but I just FEEL as sick as a dog! Tried eating plain foods which help a tiny bit. My best remedy so far is SUCKING on a lemon...seems to take sick feeling away because of sharpness!!

Roll on week 12 :pray: :pray: :pray:

Love and nausea,

Julia xxxxxx
Oh Julia! I will have to try the lemon! This is horrible isnt it? I think its my iron tabs so Im going to stop taking them just incase! I mean i hsouldnt have them anyways Im not anaemic! lol
Daggers said:
yes I'm in the same boat! It's come to the point where I'm sick of eating and nothing much appeals!
Some days like today I almost have to eat every hour or less :roll: , and even then the sickie feeling doesn't quite go away. Can't wait for the 1st tri to roll on :pray:

Ditto :puke: :oops:

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