sick with nerves


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2008
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i have a scan and bloods wednesday for down syndrome test, i will get the results straight away but im am so scared, im 38 so already high risk and just the biggest pesemist ever.
The biggest problem is i wont have a amnio test whatever the result but just wish it was over now, my life is on hold till then.
Good luck for Wednesday Hun, I know how you feel as i'm 37 and taking the blood test the week after you. Be positive and try not to worry. I'm not having the amnio either - whatever happens we are both going to have wonderful babies that we are going to love to bits :hug:

Sarah xxx
Good luck!! :hug:
Do they make you take these blood tests? Its kinda unfair if they do if it would make no difference to you either way! Just adding to your worry! :hug:
Im sure everything will be just fine!
good luck hun :hug: xxxxxxxx

lea i think once you are over 35 the blood test is compulsory i know ive always refused to have the test on all my children as i think it would cause a lot of worry as i would not be able to have an amnio and wouldnt consider a termination (my personal choice) not sure how i stand on this test this time around as im not 35 yet but will be by the time babies are born xxxxxxxx
Thanks Rach!
Its not fair is it? How can they make you take a test that you dont want when it makes not differece to you anyways? :x
Are you sure you have to have it? in my hosp, the NT and 12 week scan are done at the same time and you're given the option before the scan to either have the NT part done or not.

Good luck anyway!
My Midwife told me we didn't have to have it done and the result isn't a definate one either, just an indication of risk she said.

We've chosen to have the blood test done to identify level of possibility so that if it's high, we can read up and prepare for it should it happen, but won't be having the amnio or anything else as can carry a risk of miscarriage.

It may be standard procedure in other hospitals to mothers over 35y, best to check with your Midwife/GP if unsure though.

Sarah xxx

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