Sick & upset


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2011
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Hi ladies
Well I am totally upset with work
I was off work for a week due to pregnancy issues about six weeks ago
I have been at work everyday since then And unfortunately I started with a water infection on Sunday so went into work yesterday and left after dinner to go to the doctors to get checked as it was making me feel really poorly
I was up half the night again despite having tablets think they made me sick
But I thought I'll try to work through it and went in today
I managed to work right up till dinner then was sick again and didn't feel right at all so I told one of my managers and she said it was fine for me to go home I just needed to tell the other manager
To which the response I got was... Right! Well we will talk / sort this out when you come back dead horrible
I said ok
Went back to my desk where I cried and the first manager asked if I was ok so told her what she had said and that it didn't matter that I was sick I said if that's what it's like I'll work through it
I was balling my eyes out over her comment and felt that if I left I would be in trouble
But then she came over and said I want you to go home and I'll see you tomorrow
I honestly don't know what to think or do
The other one asked me to text her later.. What do I say?
I feel even more sick than I did before now
And can't stop crying about it x
I feel so angry u got treated like that !! ur not well they have a duty to look after u :( dont worry just get well x
I'm going to try but now I feel like I have to go back tomorrow despite how I feel otherwise I'll get treated like crap again
If I was to go in and anything was said then I don't know if I could cope with it
I don't enjoy being poorly or having time off I just don't know what to do : ( x
U and baby is way more important. They can't stop u taking time off honey. Take the time u need. Last thing u want to do u put little one at risk. Cxx
hey Lizy,
You shouldn't have to put up with being treated this way, you are genuinely sick, and the stress the other boss is causing you is not good for you or baby. She could get into trouble for how she has spoken to you. Remember she was in the wrong, not you!
If you are still not well tomorrow, stand your ground and stay off on sick leave. You are entitled to paid sick leave when pregnant, and whats more they cannot discipline you over it when pregnant. Being tired and unwell during pregnancy is kind of to be expected for alot of ladies, and you shouldnt be made to feel uncomfortable and upset about having to take time off.
Just remember your health and that of your babys is priority now. Remember you are not in the wrong here, and if you remain unwell tomorrow or over the next days/weeks, you can take the time off to recover. If your work continues to give you grief and upset you, I would consider putting a complaint in. Also you may want to think about speaking to your doctor about it, and maybe he could write a sick note or something to explain that you are unwell and under medical advise you should stay off work.

I hope you feel better soon xxx
Thank you for your posts you have made me feel much better x
I haven't text my first manager like she asked I wouldn't know what to put or what she expects me to text
I have taken myself off to bed and if I still feel poorly in the morning I won't be returning to work
My OH is not happy he said by rights I could complain and be signed off for up to 12 weeks so they need to think there self lucky that I'm trying to make the effort
I feel so low right now she has really upset and got to me : ( x
you are doing the right thing Lizy, if you are unwell tomorrow stay off. Don't feel bad about taking the time off either!
Your OH is right, its good you have his support!!
Take it easy, and don't let a silly insensitive boss upset you so much, she is in the wrong afterall!!! xx
It just makes me wonder what will be said on my return to work I'm a worry bug as it is and she hasn't helped
I guess the fact that neither of my bosses have kids or have ever wanted any doesn't help that and there has been a bit of a baby boom in our office this last year or so x
I just wanted to send you a big hug as I have had a few issues with work too and understand the worry it can cause. As the others have said though, your boss has been out of order and you need to put you and baby first. If you are not well enough to work, don't feel guilty and don't worry about getting in trouble as they are not allowed to 'punish' you for being off sick, especially if it is pregnancy related. I hope you have a good evening and get some rest and see how you are in the morning.X
Thank you all so much you have all made me feel a lot better about it
My OH said it's about you and baby work is not important and getting stressed over it will not help you at all I know he is right I'm going to try and not worry as best I can x
I hate to think ill put stress on baby x
Relax and ignore the horrible people at work, they should not treat you like this. If you're not well then you're not well, they have to accept that! I'd be tempted to go to docs and get signed off.

Sending you hugs x
I'm so sorry you've been unwell and even more sorry you've been treated like this :( you have every right to complain about how they've treated you and I agree you should see your gp, this stress isn't good for you or baby. In terms of 'discipline' they haven't a leg to stand on seeing as your absence has been pregnancy related xxxx
I'm so sorry you've been having a rough time at work! I was in a similar situation when I was working.. I did suffer with various pregnancy related illnesses, and they made me feel guilty about taking the time off to get better.. I found myself working through it, and ultimately making myself worse! In the end, I went to my GP, who signed me off work for a few weeks to get better.. There is nothing they can do about it, and maybe next time they will be less likely to moan about it! Hope things get better for you soon lovely xx
Thank you
I have taken the day off today to rest and feeling a little better not 100% so don't know if I'll be going back tomorrow or not
My manager was fine with me when I rang in not sure what the other one would have thought though x
I wish you better soon , if you need more time you must take it ,baby's and your health and well being must come first whether others like it or not . All the best xx
Your job is just a job but your baby is your life :)

Totally take as much time as you need to recover. If still unwell tomorrow, get a last minute doctors appointment. I would also consider asking rio be signed off work due to the stress all (and illness of course) xx
My boss has been quite good well over text message just not sure what I'll go back to
I'm staying off till Monday to give myself total rest and recovery time
If when I go back Monday I get another comment or talking too then I'm afraid I'll be off to the doctors again because no pregnant woman should be made to feel upset and worry over being poorly : ( x
We worry enough without having that too
Thank you for all your kind words
I do actually feel a little better today think the rest has done me good x
Glad you are feeling a little better, what ever you do make sure you are 100% better before going back to work hun because nothing is more important that you and LO right now. Your work cannot decipline you for being off sick whilst pregnant xx
Lizy, glad to hear you are feeling a bit better, and you are doing the right thing staying off until you feel well enough again!! I am sick again (have been sick on and off the whole way through so far!!), and am off work today. I'm lucky that the boss I currently have is very understanding in that way. I still sometimes feel guilty that I am taking days off, but then I just think my priority is my baby, and work is not as important now!!


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