geordie lass said:
Jesus was born in a stable no midwife no doctor did Mary have gas and air?
oh hun that really made me giggle
I know what you mean about homebirth and being frowned upon. I get it all the time too. With every birth there is a 'risk' no matter if you're at home, hospital or Mars. Things happen to babies in hospital where there is every piece of technology going...
Human error can make things happen to babies. We could argue that most types of pain relief carry risks too. But we dont feel the need to cuss anyone who opts for pain relief do we?
Research actually show that providing mother & baby remain healthy during pregnancy then a homebirth carries no more risk than a hospital birth. I've read and read up on it.
Peoples main arguement is that of the 'emergency c-section' What should happen if you need one? Well it depends on how far away you live from the hospital. It takes at least 30 mins for docs/surgeons to prepare for a c-section in hospital so if you're living less than 30 mins away from your hospital it makes no odds as the hospital would be ready for you upon your arrival. They'd know you were coming and there would be no time lost.
Even if its your first baby its still no greater risk than if it was your 5th. Every birth is different, every baby is individual. Baby number 4 may decicde to get stuck after 3 previous straightforward births. At least with baby number 1 things progress much slower than subsequent births so if things are going wrong they tend to do so slowly giving midwife more time to make decisions.
You can change your mind at the last minute and opt to go to hospital. You cant start off in hospital and decide you want to go home and give birth!
You get one to one care at home, with 2 midwives for the latter stages and from what I gather in some hospitals you're lucky to have someone present for the whole entirety of your labour.
It would be so nice to have peoples support in our decisions of where to give birth. We as a society have been scared into believing that giving birth is a dangerous feat and a medical issue and its not!! Its natural. Yes things can go wrong but they can anywhere. Also from what I can work out a tense and frightened mother can infact have a bad effect on birth and can lead to baby being distressed?? So isnt it a good idea that the Mummy is a cool and calm as possible?
Im planning on giving birth at home and you know something, if I had a hedge or big trees and my garden was secluded I'd be popping my bubs out in the back garden in my birthing pool