Sick of ...


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2010
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... non maternal people not understanding! I understand children arent for everyone but when im asked a question in work like hows your pregnancy going or im having a converstation about my little man, there are two women in my office that roll there eyes and start sniggering, its really p*ssing me off, my little man and little missy (even though shes not here yet) mean the world to me and i feel that i cant even talk about them aaaarrrggghhhh, sorry about the rant ladies, i just needed to vent somewhere x x

i used to get that and when i went for hospital appointment they used to ask my mate in admin if i had taken the proper measures to take time off.

some ppl pregnant, non pregnant and non mothers really get to me sometimes with their train of thought
Eugh I hate that! I was still at uni when I found out I was pg, and when I told 2 of my housemates, one of them said that pregnancy made her feel sick and she never wanted any kids.

It's like, ok, fine, if you don't want kids, that's your decision. She's only 21, like me, so she might change her mind one day, but some people don't want kids and I understand that... But how dare someone say that to someone who's just found out they're pregnant!!!

I'd literally just found out as well! I took a cheap test in the morning and it was positive, so I went and got a clearblue digital one with conception indicator, and it said 3+ weeks, I was 5 and a half weeks pregnant then, and I'd just been told by someone that pregnancy made them feel sick!!!!

As you can see, it still makes me angry 30 weeks later!

Everyone has there own opinions but to do something like that is out of order!
If i was talking about it all the time then maybe i could slightly understand but im only answering peoples questions, roll on my mat leave! x x

Tell me about it. Some people are just ruuuuuuuuuuude
i do have some close friends in work so i will have to go in with the baby once shes here because they will be disappointed if i dont. but ive been glad to start mat leave and get away from some people x x
yeah work people can be moorons! i found the girls geniunly cared but all the guys say is about how its going to affect your lady flower!! rudeness they will understand oneday..hopefully! xxx
you'd think that these women would know to keep their gobs shut with us pregnant,we are very hormonal and can flip at anytime lol

oh well the are all just jealous because us lots are all gorgeous and going to have beautiful babies and they want to be like us :)
yeah work people can be moorons! i found the girls geniunly cared but all the guys say is about how its going to affect your lady flower!! rudeness they will understand oneday..hopefully! xxx

It was actually a man who was asking me how my pregnancy was going and it was the women rolling their eyes, i would of thought it would of been the other way around though! X x

omg! people never cease to amaze me I think if people arnt geniunely intrested they should just say nothing and not roll eyes and not get involved because some things can offend quite easily and it sticks with us. At 20 weeks pregnant i was on way to mw app and a few colleagues were like good luck will you hear heartbeat? etc then one turned round and said 20 weeks ha halfway theres obviuosly something wrong as your not showing!! i got to the car park and cried and if i wasnt in work i would have slapped her! :s xxx
That's ridiculous! Just ignore them babe don't let anyone sh*t on your pregnancy enjoy it and be damn proud! :D
Jealous b*tches!
omg! people never cease to amaze me I think if people arnt geniunely intrested they should just say nothing and not roll eyes and not get involved because some things can offend quite easily and it sticks with us. At 20 weeks pregnant i was on way to mw app and a few colleagues were like good luck will you hear heartbeat? etc then one turned round and said 20 weeks ha halfway theres obviuosly something wrong as your not showing!! i got to the car park and cried and if i wasnt in work i would have slapped her! :s xxx

I can't believe that!!! That's such a horrible thing to say! They obviously don't know anything, otherwise they'd never say that! Some people just don't show for ages (lucky) haha! Wish I was one of those! I wasn't too bad, started "showing" about 16 weeks, had an exam at 18 and I didn't want anyone to notice so I just wore a baggy top... Then my body just seemed to balloon after that!

I posted at the same time and missed that one... What a nasty person!!!!
This is my third and it took ages for me to show!

What a disgusting excuse of a human being!!!
Actually I wouldn't bother too much with these people, as they will have nothing to do with me :) I mean I can understand than some kind of people selfish who like to be single or in couple without any kid can't handle a conversation related to kids, baby etc I guess it's because there is something hurting them inside..

Anyway, do like me enjoy your pregnancy, talk about it, and if it's pissing off some people, never mind at the moment you are happy :)
omg! people never cease to amaze me I think if people arnt geniunely intrested they should just say nothing and not roll eyes and not get involved because some things can offend quite easily and it sticks with us. At 20 weeks pregnant i was on way to mw app and a few colleagues were like good luck will you hear heartbeat? etc then one turned round and said 20 weeks ha halfway theres obviuosly something wrong as your not showing!! i got to the car park and cried and if i wasnt in work i would have slapped her! :s xxx

This is so wrong, how dare someone say that to you and make you feel that way :(

Looks like we all come across these sorts of people in life.
Love your attitude Menie, im going to definetly do that :) it just really iritated me x x

What a couple of cows, thats terrible. I bet you they dont snigger as much when they're not together.

They're just jealous that your going on Mat leave & going to have a gorgeous baby & their not. There's no need for grown women to make other women feel like sh*t, ffs, we all need to stick together the amount of crap us women put up with, duno whats wrong with some ppl.

Do either of them have kids?

:mad: - im actually ragin.
No hunny they dont have kids and they both said they never would, so im taking a guess that they dont understand the bond between a mother and a child and they dont understand the excitement of being pregnant or they are just plan childish! x x

hey M2A, tell you what when they start talking about something in their lives start rolling your eyes and sniggering..then stop and say "its not very nice is it" and if it continues complain as its a form of bullying xxx

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