sick of it !


Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2011
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my friend and I where TTC the same time she is yet to concive :( evan though we started ttc the same time she has been trying before this on and off for a few years and no joy I do feel for her i really do but ever time she sees me she keeps commeting on my bump oh your bump is tiny you cant tell you evan pregnat why does she keep saying this:wall2::wall2::wall2:
Sorry you're getting daft comments from this girl. There is always one person that makes stupid comments about our bumps, I have two, most of the time I feel better when I imagine myself poking them in the eye, not very loving of me I know, but it saves me from actually saying something.

Great line from Madagascar that I try and remember when I get into conversations like that is "smile and wave boys, smile and wave". I just smile and nodd my head politely and leave it with them as its probably just jealousy talking.
she is a lovely person but no need for comments haha poking them in the eye
Hey Mrz, I'm sorry you feel this way but just wanted to say try not to let any tension build up because if she is a nice person she might feel awful anway for making silly comments out of jealousy.

I personally would not be offended by the comment (depending on tone) because I will be thinking my figure will snap right back but then that's very vain of me. My bump is coming along nicely but some people do say it's small - as long as bubs is healthy I don't care what size I get!

I agree with firstbaby. Some people just like to make comments for whatever reason. You can't change them so best to just smile and let it go over your head xx
Oh people definitely like to comment! Every day, I get several comments about my bump, normally saying, wow hasn't it grown, and 'oh, could it be any bigger?'. To be honest, I just agree and say, yes, it is big, but I am nearly 33 weeks pregnant, what do you expect?! I measure as I should do for my weeks, it's just people still feel that they should comment. Just ignore it, even if you have got a small bump, who cares? It will either stay small, and in which case, lowers the risk of stretch marks, or it will pop out for all the world to see :) xx
Ignore her, jealousy is evil.
Sounds liek she may want you to feel bad but dont x
thnxs for the feedback ladies I suppose whatever size our bumps are we get comments x
sorry to hear youre getting comments from this girl. Like the other girls said dont let it spoil your happiness.

There is a girl I work that has been ttc for near 3 years and she can be a nice person but she can also be a nippy sweetie which she seems to be turning into more and more around me. I dreaded telling her I was pregnant and friends and colleagues said its better I told her than she find out from someone else and she did seem happy hen i told. Lately though she is very uiet or very abrupt round me and I know this must be extremely hard for her as she has been trying for years but Im determined not to let it spoil my enjoyment of my pregnancy. What I do is if anyone asks how I am when she is around I just say grand thanks and walk away xx

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