Sick of being told how to bring my LO up


What do they expect you to say to that?

How is your Pregnancy going PP?
Going well now I've stopped being sick this week...although I have this really bad.cough, and everytime i cough I either choke or wretch and throw the midwife wants me to give birth at home...she said 'ooh it'll be lovely with Charlie there too' in what way would me writhing around my living room floor in pain be lovely for Charlie to witness? She's not on this planet.

We also got told to get rid of the puppy, we did in the end but only cause shr got jealous but she never bit his head off or anything she kust kept pooping whenever we fed or played with Charlie as an attention thing.

I really miss her now :( x
Aww thats really sad. Glad its all going well though apart from the sickness... the joys of pregnancy ay!

Yeah my friend is having a homebirth so her 3 year old can be there. personally i think it will be awful for her because her little boy is very attached to her (which is great) but will hate seeing her in pain. He cries whenever she does so goodness knows what he will be like when shes screaming!
I'm the same atm Katie. X

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^^ tried to edit post :roll: and hit quote

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I was on the phone to my mum last night and was proudly telling her that Albert is still sleeping through the night (I am expecting it to change at any given moment), and she asked me if I was force feeding him to make him sleep........Yes mum, cos it's after 9pm that I get drunk, smoke crack and sell my body for my next hit :roll:. She hung up lol
Jack's Cousin is 11 days younger than him and his Parents constantly compare them, its so annoying! The usual comment is 'oooo he's so light' because Jack's only 19lbs and George is over 2 stone!!

They make excuses for why George doesn't even pick up finger food when they see Jack munching away on sarnies and fruit/veggies. It's because they don't allow George to use his hands, they just spoon feed him.

They made cmments when George got his teeth first and when George slept through the night first and when he sat up unaided first.

Now they are absolutely gutted because Jack's almost walking and George is just about crawling & pulling himself up!! Also they thought because George is massive compared to Jack that he'd be the bully and torment Jack etc ... we went round there the other day and Jack kept poking him in the face and pulling his tshirt (as babies do) making George cry. They actually got the hump because it was Jack doing the 'bullying' and not George!!! How sad!!! x

Sounds like poor little George could have a terrible childhood hun. What a couple of morons

Thats just the tip of the iceberg hun! They also have my 4 year old Neice :roll: x
I was on the phone to my mum last night and was proudly telling her that Albert is still sleeping through the night (I am expecting it to change at any given moment), and she asked me if I was force feeding him to make him sleep........Yes mum, cos it's after 9pm that I get drunk, smoke crack and sell my body for my next hit :roll:. She hung up lol

Advice from others is great isn't it??!!

We got the 'get rid of the animals' speech several times.................all 8 dogs, 3 cats and a bunch of chooks are still here!!!

Wonder what they'll say when our new addition arrives shortly!!!!
Man I know where you're coming from! I've had quite a lot said to me, but the one thing I find hard to ignore is people who try to tell me that BLW is bad for my baby, that she should be on three jars a day etc...

Apparently she'll choke and ill feel bad! What kind of think is that to say to someone?! I gave her lasagne at my mums the other day that my mum had made, so I knew what was in it. She also had salmon ( I don't like lasagne so mum made me salmon instead) and veggies! My mums friend was actually horrified I let her feed herself, because "spoon feeding should be a bonding experience".

Don't get me wrong, absolutely understand why mummies would rather not do BLW, and TW is right for them. But I'm sick of having it shoved down my throat!

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I don't fully do blw but I do give him loads of finger foods as snacks like toast and apple pieces and carrot etc, my mum was a little horrified cause I gave him toast before he had teeth, and yes he mushed it all up and shoved too much in his throat but I got it out quickly and he was fine. Now he has two bottom teeth I've seen my mum actually gives him toast even hough he chews with his back gums lol so the teeth don't make much difference x
Hey hun

I know its annoying when you constantly hear what you should & shouldn't do. As others said, its an experience thing. I know you have your LO & you make the decisions but I think alot of ppl who have been thro the whole process from baby to teenager for example, they like to pass on the knowledge & obviously think they know best & I suppose they do to an extent, you make your own decisions but ppl who have been thro it, they tend to say things like...dont co-sleep & let them cry because they know how difficult it can be to have an (older child) that wont sleep by themselves & how the small things (like co-sleeping) can (sometimes) end up big massive issues, if for example you go onto have another LO & eldest is still in your bed.

And its so easy to follow the same routine, the longer it goes on the harder it is to get LO used to sleeping themself. So, in effect no one is saying your a bad mother for doing these things, but it could make things worse for the future if that makes sense. No one is gona critisise you for co-sleeping, its not advised (for health & SIDS reasons) and it can be confusing for baby but it is your choice, and you shouldn't feel bad about it, im sure no one is going to be annoyed at you for doing it.

I suppose if you imagine you have spent money buying expensive baby bottles & they're shit & give baby bad colic, and someone you know is gona use them, but you know they dont work, you'd probably tell other mums....oh btw those bottles are rubbish, its not that you are telling the person what to do, your just advising them that you've tried it & didn't work & you've heard similar stories. Duno if that makes any sense

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Hey hun

I know its annoying when you constantly hear what you should & shouldn't do. As others said, its an experience thing. I know you have your LO & you make the decisions but I think alot of ppl who have been thro the whole process from baby to teenager for example, they like to pass on the knowledge & obviously think they know best & I suppose they do to an extent, you make your own decisions but ppl who have been thro it, they tend to say things like...dont co-sleep & let them cry because they know how difficult it can be to have an (older child) that wont sleep by themselves & how the small things (like co-sleeping) can (sometimes) end up big massive issues, if for example you go onto have another LO & eldest is still in your bed.

And its so easy to follow the same routine, the longer it goes on the harder it is to get LO used to sleeping themself. So, in effect no one is saying your a bad mother for doing these things, but it could make things worse for the future if that makes sense. No one is gona critisise you for co-sleeping, its not advised (for health & SIDS reasons) and it can be confusing for baby but it is your choice, and you shouldn't feel bad about it, im sure no one is going to be annoyed at you for doing it.

I suppose if you imagine you have spent money buying expensive baby bottles & they're shit & give baby bad colic, and someone you know is gona use them, but you know they dont work, you'd probably tell other mums....oh btw those bottles are rubbish, its not that you are telling the person what to do, your just advising them that you've tried it & didn't work & you've heard similar stories. Duno if that makes any sense


Hey hun , no what your saying does make sense I just feel at times some people especially my OH family think there way of doing things is best and it just gets to me alot of them time . Just silly things like why didn't u breast feed you should and it's best for your baby and I just feel like saying yes I know all this but I don't breast feed so can we leave it at that and I feel like I should not have to explain why I don't breast feed ( although I do regret not trying it but I won't be telling them that lol )


Oh I know what you mean. I got stick for not BF'ing with 2nd LO.

I thought you meant random ppl saying these things rather than family, yeah my family is a nightmare too, esp my parents, tbh I dont spend alot of time with them. Its not really parenting techniques they comment on its....things should watch LO doesn't get over there & put that object in his mouth, shouldn't spend money on this & that coz its a waste, things like that....critisising (sp) everything. I suppose they think they have the right?? I let it go over my head. I actually take on board more advice from randomers than I do my own family coz i get sick of hearing it. I actually do quite like getting advice & hearing stories from ppl I dont know.

Oh I know what you mean. I got stick for not BF'ing with 2nd LO.

I thought you meant random ppl saying these things rather than family, yeah my family is a nightmare too, esp my parents, tbh I dont spend alot of time with them. Its not really parenting techniques they comment on its....things should watch LO doesn't get over there & put that object in his mouth, shouldn't spend money on this & that coz its a waste, things like that....critisising (sp) everything. I suppose they think they have the right?? I let it go over my head. I actually take on board more advice from randomers than I do my own family coz i get sick of hearing it. I actually do quite like getting advice & hearing stories from ppl I dont know.


I didn't breast feed as I felt there was just no support to help . Am 24 but I do look really young people say I look abt 19 and I think bcos I look so young Tw midwife just assumed I would FF . When ruby was born the asked what brand of milk I wanted for her feed not do u want advice on breast feeding . I think not breast feeding is my biggest regret and if am lucky enough to have another baby I will deffo give it ago .

I do prefer getting advice on her tbh as I know that the women in PF might not agree with my parenting choices they still support you.



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