Sick of being told how to bring my LO up

Oh hun you're doing excellent with Ruby and no one should ever judge or tell you how to bring her up. Like you said things like co sleeping work for you and Ruby is happy so to be perfectly frank f**k what everyone else thinks. It really used to bother me when people stuck their oar in and said don't do this and don't do that and why are you/aren't you doing this and it's got to a point where I look at Angel and think she's a gorgeous happy healthy wee baby and it's all down to me and OH so clearly I am not doing anything wrong! xx
Thanks girl I just needed to get it off my chest xxx

Its Horrible isn't it.

There was a mum at work talking about how she lets her LO cry until he falls asleep because her "me time" is too important. I have to admit the first thing that went through my head is what a selfish bitch. When i told her that I would never use controlled crying because I think its un natural and that we also sometimes co sleep because she sleeps better and so do we her comment was "Well you will probably never get a decent nights sleep and she will always rely on you" I felt like saying well yes... she is my child! thats sort of what she is meant to do.

Then she started a conversation about smacking and how it has to be done... thats the point that i just walked out of the room.

It know how you feel. I'm sure you are a fabulous mummy... hold your head up high and take everything with a pinch of salt.
I kinda had this from my friends today one of them pretty much sat me down and told me Tyler was feeding at night out of comfort and I should stop and giving me the pity look that I cosleep.

Easy for you to say 'mrs my baby slept through at 3 months'

She also told me letting baby cry had to be done..... For you maybe!

Its Horrible isn't it.

There was a mum at work talking about how she lets her LO cry until he falls asleep because her "me time" is too important. I have to admit the first thing that went through my head is what a selfish bitch. When i told her that I would never use controlled crying because I think its un natural and that we also sometimes co sleep because she sleeps better and so do we her comment was "Well you will probably never get a decent nights sleep and she will always rely on you" I felt like saying well yes... she is my child! thats sort of what she is meant to do.

Then she started a conversation about smacking and how it has to be done... thats the point that i just walked out of the room.

It know how you feel. I'm sure you are a fabulous mummy... hold your head up high and take everything with a pinch of salt.

I get a better nights sleep co sleeping than when she's in her cot believe it r not lol xxx
I kinda had this from my friends today one of them pretty much sat me down and told me Tyler was feeding at night out of comfort and I should stop and giving me the pity look that I cosleep.

Easy for you to say 'mrs my baby slept through at 3 months'

She also told me letting baby cry had to be done..... For you maybe!

It's ok for people who's babies sleep through , ruby did start sleeping through but suddenly stopped . A baby will not sleep through the night until they are ready.

People do my head in lol . I don't think our doing anything wrong with feeding Tyler at night time , if he's hungry then he's hungry xxx
Its Horrible isn't it.

There was a mum at work talking about how she lets her LO cry until he falls asleep because her "me time" is too important. I have to admit the first thing that went through my head is what a selfish bitch. When i told her that I would never use controlled crying because I think its un natural and that we also sometimes co sleep because she sleeps better and so do we her comment was "Well you will probably never get a decent nights sleep and she will always rely on you" I felt like saying well yes... she is my child! thats sort of what she is meant to do.

Then she started a conversation about smacking and how it has to be done... thats the point that i just walked out of the room.

It know how you feel. I'm sure you are a fabulous mummy... hold your head up high and take everything with a pinch of salt.

I get a better nights sleep co sleeping than when she's in her cot believe it r not lol xxx

So do we. and actually so does savannah. She gets a much better nights sleep which makes her happier in the day. I don't see how that can be a bad thing :)
That's one thing I really hate people saying you have to let them cry it out at some point, no I f-ing do not if I don't want to. Pinky that friend criticised you for Tyler feeding throughout the night, I get criticised for Angel sleeping through as people just assume I feed her to fill her up or I say just to rub it in or something stupid like that. The only time I've said she sleeps through most nights is when I've been asked "how does she sleep". You really can't win sometimes so I just take no notice. All our LOs are doing great at the end of the day xx
The bean is not even here and everyone seems to think that me and my bean are public property?????
The latest things are:
- so you know it the puppy has to go... I saw at the news a dog that ate the baby's head :roll:
- you have to get rid of the puppy, who the hell has a puppy in the same room with a baby. What If it will catch a disease from the puppy what if the puppy jumps on LO :roll:
- you are not suppose to wash Los clothes in the washing machine. You have to boil them and hand wash them :roll:
- you must not let the clothes dry during the night, all of the bean clothes have to dry before sunset because otherwise the baby can die during the night :roll::roll:
- babies need over 25 degrees in the house and they gave to be well dressed and covered with a blanket even during summer time :roll:
I could go on and on....
I am dreading the idea what will even happen when the bean will arrive???
lol if your sensible and strict on the dog there is no reason puppy has to go, it does kids good to grow up with animals around as it teaches them to be gentle and care for things, my dogs love alyssa and im always telling them off for trying to lick her lol
Wow, Hope, I think you are getting the worst advice of all!

Pinkyprincess, your friend annoys me. I will feed K every time she wakes up through the night. I don't think she will wake up unless she is hungry. Sometimes people expect too much from little babies.

The thing that annoys me is that mil claims K needs to be winded every time she cries. Drives me nuts because it makes me feel like she is implying that I don't know how to burp my baby/ I don't care to burp her.
The thing that annoys me is that mil claims K needs to be winded every time she cries. Drives me nuts because it makes me feel like she is implying that I don't know how to burp my baby/ I don't care to burp her.

omg my nan used to do this all the time and it used to drive me up the wall!

The other thing was, "Have you fed her?" Sometimes i just felt like saying "No actually im starving her today" lol
My fave is when Angel is grumpy or crying and people automatically assume and start saying "aww she's hungry" I'm like erm no she's just teething/tired/grumpy and they make it sound like I don't feed her lol or when my mum or something is like have you fed her/changed her/cuddled her like gee I never thought to do that lol xx
I know isnt it frustrating! And when its cold outside my mum will ring and say make sure you put a coat on savannah today. I feel like saying " Well i was planning a swimsuit and sun hat" lol
What peed me off the other week was when I got Angels teething powder out and emptied in her mouth I got 20 questions including asking me if she'd choke, on powder ffs I was like yeah it's a massive health and choking hazard, that's why they're selling it. Yet at tea time they were asking if they could give her a Mcdonalds chip or a chocolate button grrrrr!!! xx
the food thing is definately the worst! I'm quite careful with savannahs diet. Not over cautious as i like her to try new things and she eats really well, i just dont like her to eat rubbish. I left her with my friend for literally two minutes while i went to drop DH off around the corner and when i got back she was eating cheddar biscuits! my friend said " Oh i hope you don't mind" I was thinking well its a bit late now isn't it! They are full of salt as well so it made me quite angry
I'm the same I'm only giving her healthy stuff and I really want to steer clear of salt and sugar and they go and tell me to give her a chip and a chocolate and when I say absolutely not they give me the most awful patronising little smirk and it really winds me up. Like I am a bad mother because I don't want Angel eating crap, she's already developed a sweet tooth I think just from me giving her apples and mango as she prefers them over her savoury stuff lol xx
it is annoying.

you obviously know whats best for her hun i wouldn't take any notice of those immature little smirks.
My fave is when Angel is grumpy or crying and people automatically assume and start saying "aww she's hungry" I'm like erm no she's just teething/tired/grumpy and they make it sound like I don't feed her lol or when my mum or something is like have you fed her/changed her/cuddled her like gee I never thought to do that lol xx

I hate that when they say about them being hungry , we should just be sarcastic and say yeh she will be starving I don't feed her lol xxx

Pinky, I got told loads to not feed Charlie, and he has enough in the day.

Which is true he has more than enough but I still give him milk at night. Gradually over the last 3 weeks or so I've been watering his feeds down as I do know its a comfort thing but I don't want to just stop giving him milk altogether and go cold turkey as there's always something at the back of my mind that says 'what if he IS hungry though?' And then I feel guilty. It's not watered down enough for him to notice anyway yet but the past few nights he's only had at the most 3 oz, last night he had just one then pushed the bottle away. So they do eventually sleep through pinky just keep doing what youre doing, it only stresses us mums out if we dont feel comfortable with something.

I hate competitve mothers! I hate atm 'oh my god you're having another? What the hell are you gonna do?' Erm, what I'm doing now but twice? Lol c

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