sick leave when pregnant


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2011
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I posted last week about the stressful time I was having in work (having to train 2 new people, taking calls from public and dealing with all my own work at the same time). I took a couple of days off, spoke to my manager over the phone and on Monday when I came back to work (thinking the problem had been fixed), only to find it worse than ever! The problem is they are short staffed, and some of the staff have refused to train saying that they aren't good at explaining things!!

Didnt get any sleep last night, as it is really stressing me. Was going to ring in sick again, but then because I rang in sick last thurs and fri, and then went back to work, I felt that I couldnt really call in sick again. So went into work this morn, having not slept at all, with headache....told him I would have to leave early as due to the stress I hadnt got any sleep. Then to top it all off one of the new people complained to the manager that they were'nt being trained enough!!

What really annoys me is that the workplace has a duty of care to protect you when pregnant etc, and I have said on numerous occasions that I am at breaking point, yet just seem to keep getting fobbed off with 'I dont want you to be stressed'.....telling someone you dont want them to be stressed and then doing nothing to help the matter is no good to anyone!!

So, I left work at lunch time today, and have booked all next week off on leave. Considering getting signed off on sick, but not sure how this affects maternity leave etc?? Feel like I am never in work anymore, and really worried that it looks like I am taking the p*ss!!

Apologies for the long's just really annoying me so much!!! xx
I think if you are signed off sick for a long period post 6 months then your company can force you take mat leave earlier than you wanted.

At your stage of pregnancy I'd say go to your doctor and explain, get signed off and there will be nothing your company can do except allow you to take the time. You could also ask your doctor to recommend a 'phased' return to work, so you would work mornings only for a week, then perhaps till 2:30pm then full time to wind you back in without being dumped with straight back into things.
Aw hun...hugs...

I read my work policy yesterday in respect of being pregnant, so may not be the same but I suspect they will be similar. If I was off sick, and it is preg related, work cannot count this towards any normal sickness absence, but if I break my foot then of course the normal sickness absence procedure kicks in. Of course this all depends on your length of service...if I was you I would get gp to sign you off, relate it to preg, I.e exhausted through stress, your workplace have a responsibility to ensure this is rectified before your return, I'd go to occupational health if nothing gets sorted.

Hope this helps a little ;-)
The only one taking the piss is your manager hun x
I agree with what others have already said, it'll only affect your maternity leave if you are off sick within 4 weeks of your due date, so you've got ages yet. I would be tempted to speak to your Dr hunni, at the end of hte day they know they are loading you with more than you can cope with as you've already siad numerious times and they've done nothing about it, so they have effectively forced you into the position you are in now.

Dont feel guilty at all, yours and your baby's health is far more important right now.
Thanks Ladies...
I've been talking to a good friend who has been in a similar position to myself last year (who works in same job) and she's advised me to take time off sick, and go back a few weeks before my maternity leave starts. I just have to make sure its down as a pregnancy related illness, and they can't touch me then. I'm off all next week and wont be back til 3rd May anyway, so I will make an appointment with doctor then.

Just can't believe how a manager can do this, I know I'm just pregnant and not sick, but why load more work unto a pregnant woman when you have other members of staff you could get to do the extra work? Esp when I have already said so many times it is too much....

I can't shake this headache and I know its stress related, but only two more days at work to go and then I'm off!


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