
Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2007
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Hello ladies! I am on my 8th week of pregnancy and I have been constantly sick for more then 2 weeks!And, what makes it worse, that i have to finish my studies, and had to be all these 2 weeks separate from my husband (he has to work and I am in the other country)! I am getting sick even from the smell of food. And if I manage to eat something, it is very difficult to keep it down! And if I am not sick, I am getting a TERRIBLE heartburn (sometimes both things same time!)! I am very tired physically and emotionally...It is our first baby, and I really need my husband's support now, but the only support he can give me at the moment, is few calls a day!My mum is with me and she is brilliant, but I am feeling, that my husband is the one, who have to be with me, even if I knew when I was planning my pregnancy, that 6th-10th week I will be away!But all that sickness and tiredness and heartburn is just killing me!
Well, I suppose, I just had to tell about it to somebody...
sorry your feeling so awful :hug: :hug: - it does get better - honest!!
I was a bit of a wreck through the first 12 weeks, until the scan confirmed everything was ok. I wasn't prepared for the tiredness at all.
I found ice cream was good for heartburn (unfortunatley this hasn't gone yet so I don't think it is going to) and just getting as much rest as possible. The sea bands seem to be getting good reviews for sickness - might be worth a try? Also, I just ate mainly bread and potatoes cause I couldn't stand the smell of cooking.
Hang in there - everyone is here to help.
Sorry to hear that you're having a bad time of it :( Try the seabands and just think you'll be back with hubbie soon :cheer:
Thank you for kind words:) The only thing, which keeps me going, is knowledge, that it all will be over soon. And there will be a little angel in the end:)

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