Tired and very hungry..and a bit sick too.


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2005
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Goodness me it all kicked in today.

I woke up starving at 4.30am and could have chewed my own arm off to save me going downstairs for something, but I'm a veggie so I went and made some toast.

Zara got up at 6.30am and only slept for 2 hours all day in which I did the housework very, very slowly. I've lost all energy.

And then, I went to the supermarket to get something for dinner and started feeling so sick I left with nothing.

Blah. Tired, hungry and sick. I think the breastfeeding and pregnant thing is really draining me.
I know exactly how you feel hun! Feeling hungry, sick, weak and dizzy all at the same time is no fun. Plus a 6 month old and a 6 year old to deal with is torture!
Hi girls,

Sorry you are feeling so rough!!!

I am hot, tired, dizzy and irretable and when I do anything I get backache!!! But I can cope with all that, so......I feel lucky so far! But very early days!

Hope it doesn't last long for you both, just make sure you get as much rest as you can fit in, if possible! xx
I have exactly the same thing - wake up ravenous at 5 every morning - I keep cereal bars at the bedside and eat these! My other half thinks I'm mad. Problem is I find it really hard to go back to sleep and if I do I end up asleep until about 10! If I don't eat then I am sick and then feel sick all day. Even if I do eat at 5 I feel sick. It's so gross. I'm hating the first trimester :( I really sympathise - couldn't do this with another child as well. You're incredible!
I really sympathise - couldn't do this with another child as well. You're incredible!

That's such a sweet thing to say.

Two things - firstly i totally forgot how bad it was and secondly I've only managed two days of it so far.

I'm so tired I'm almost asleep at my pc. I'm just waiting for when the sickness kicks in properly :roll:
My girlfriend is going through the same !!

It must be really horrible and their is absoulutely nothing you can do really apart from sit it out and hope the worst of it has gone !

Hope you feel better soon though :)
Well when I was pregnant I wrote down a long list of all the things I didn't like, to stop me doing it again.

I think you are very brave, having another one so soon. I can still remember everything about my pregnancy. I am like an elephant, they say elephants never forget.

I absolutely detested my first trimester and I wasn't even that sick! The tiredness and headaches destoyed me.

The thought of doing that with Samuel around, no way!

Its great that you are doing it though and in years to come you will be so glad you did it.


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