Show us your .......... Best DIY Skills!


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2005
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.... something that you've done yourself that you're really proud of :angel:

I fitted a new kitchen tap a few weeks back - I used the old connectors as the new ones were too short, and I couldn't get different ones with fittings that matched the threading on the new tap.

This morning I woke up to a leak, and found that one of the old connectors had split, and so I've just fitted two new ones, complete with the lovely coppery bits you can see below ..... I'm just dead chuffed with myself really and thought I would share :lol:

Show us the type of blokey jobs that you can do girls 8)

Well done Laura! I wouldn't have a clue!

This is DIY but I don't think a bloke would sit doing it :lol:

Just a few boxes I decorated for Evie's room;


ooooo they look absolutely lovely Dannii - what will you put in them?
When i loved alone i did everything by myself. Now i have a fantastic boyfriend who doesnt let me do anything.
Since we bought this house in November he has practically taken the whole place back to the bear concrete and rebuilt it a bit at a time, im very proud of him
I don't have pictures but with just a little advice from DH I build my own PC which I was really chuffed with don't have it any more though, and I built a radio control car by myself it all came in kit form and had to be put together DH didn't think I could do it on my own and kept wanting to do it for me or offer help but told him to bugger off and did it all by myself was dead chuffed with myself afterward :oops:

We don't own our own house so don't do much proper DIY!
LauraB said:
ooooo they look absolutely lovely Dannii - what will you put in them?

Thanks! :hug:

Not sure :think: Maybe shoes? Hair bands and hair bits maybe. Oooh and "congratulations" cards I could use one of them for! I don't know to be honest lol. I just like making things! x
I can't take any pictures as OH's got the camera, but I tiled my kitchen (well I added a line of blue tiles on top on the original white ones!)
I've also changed a plug many times :lol: :wink: , plumped in my washing machine, built flat packs. Penstraze good going on your computer hun. I haven't built one but I've put in new drives, replaced power pack, installed hardware etc

Dannii, those boxes are lovely. They would be great for putting all her new born cards and stuff in :D
(opps you just said that why I was typing! :lol: )
chickadee1976 said:
When i loved alone i did everything by myself. Now i have a fantastic boyfriend who doesnt let me do anything.
Since we bought this house in November he has practically taken the whole place back to the bear concrete and rebuilt it a bit at a time, im very proud of him
awwwww, he sounds like a love :D It's not that my OH doesn't want to do anything, it's just that I've had my house for 15 years and always did everything myself, like you before you moved in with your OH. I just don't seem able to let him do anything. (Maybe I just think he'll cock it up :shhh:)
Penstraze said:
I don't have pictures but with just a little advice from DH I build my own PC which I was really chuffed with don't have it any more though, and I built a radio control car by myself it all came in kit form and had to be put together DH didn't think I could do it on my own and kept wanting to do it for me or offer help but told him to bugger off and did it all by myself was dead chuffed with myself afterward :oops:
That's very clever, well done! :clap: I'd love to have time to learn how to build a PC - I've gone as far as doing memory, network cards, swapping some drives around and replacing a power supply, but that's as far as it got!
Misslarue said:
I can't take any pictures as OH's got the camera, but I tiled my kitchen (well I added a line of blue tiles on top on the original white ones!)
I've also changed a plug many times :lol: :wink: , plumped in my washing machine, built flat packs. Penstraze good going on your computer hun. I haven't built one but I've put in new drives, replaced power pack, installed hardware etc
That is a very nice collection of blokey jobs, well done Misslarue! :D
I am the Flat Pack Queen!! I dont usually get the chance to do it on my own as Hubby always tries to help :roll: The best thing I put together was a chest of drawers, when I was heavily pregnant with my 2nd baby, I didnt have a hammer so used a tin of corned beef!!& the thing is still standing 4 years later!! The last thing I put together was a wooden toy box, which was a nightmare to do, then I decorated to match the colours in my living room, Ive got a picture but cant remember how to upload it!! :moon:
In this, and our last house, DH hasn't so much as picked up a paintbrush. I've fully decorated both! It's not so much that that's an achievement, but I'm more surprised I let him get away with not helping at all.

I've changed a water pump on my car all by myself before, changed a heater matrix as well (that was a pig to get back in) and various other car related bits.

I love flat pack, it's like adults jigsaws!

I'm scared to death to try doing tiling though, we need some done in the bathroom (my Dad keeps going on and on about it - it's my house!!) so we have someone giving us a quote next week. But, why am I so scared of trying it ourselves?
I put together this chest of drawers last week.

We rent at the moment so not so much DIY needed but I have put up shelves, put together all sorts of flat-packed stuff, (bed/bookcase/cabinets), painted, changed plugs, fixed storage heater etc. OH isn't very, um practical, so usually I take over - after watching him struggle for half an hour and sniggering to myself. Oh and I am also in charge of tuning in all electrical equipment - tvs/sky etc..
no need to do DIY in our new place :dance: ! apart from the odd bit of flat pack i don't really have anything else.

ooo!! wait, alices room, does that count?:


she has a matching toybox as well, but ive not got any photos of that on my laptop. Ive still to paint the butterfly's on her blind, and i need to get matching bed spreads (well pink ones at least, that i can sew butterfly's onto). oh, and i need to paint her bookcase as well.

Its not only adults who can do diy:

(sorry, slightly off topic, but it made me chuckle!)
NickyB said:
I'm scared to death to try doing tiling though, we need some done in the bathroom (my Dad keeps going on and on about it - it's my house!!) so we have someone giving us a quote next week. But, why am I so scared of trying it ourselves?
Give it a go - you never know, it could look fantastic and you'll save yourself a fortune in labour too :dance:
Tadpole said:
Oh and I am also in charge of tuning in all electrical equipment - tvs/sky etc..
Most impressive 8) ... I can't tune anything - I hate reading instructions and I didn't even know how to switch our TV on and find a Sky channel for about a year :oops:
at the time she had a dust pan and brush in her hand! :rotfl:

Hows oliver?

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