Should your temp rise after ovulation if you are pregnant?


Active Member
Jun 6, 2012
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Hello ladies, sorry another question for you!

So I haven't been tracking my temps but I used to (ironically when I was trying not to get pregnant!) and I used to average at 36.2 temp with a small increase just after ovulation to 35.7 (ish) ... So I think I ovulated either 3-6 days ago and I took my temp this am and it was 36.2... Is this a bad sign ? I've read your temp would normally stay elevated if you are pregnant.. When does the temp start to stay elevated after ovulation if you're pregnant?

Thanks ladies you guys always are so helpful and have eased my mind in previous posts do just want to say thanks X
If you haven't been tracking it up to today you don't have anything else to go on - so I wouldn't read too much into it tbh! Your temp should be up slightly after ovultion, but will remain highish throughout the 2ww and may drop before AF or just after or stay up if you are preg. from what I understand of it anyway :)
^^^ thats exactely my understanding too, maybe have a look at some example charts online I found that really helpful, most times temp only drops when AF is about to start or has just started and as Iwant3 says will often stay high throughout 2WW until then... I have no idea why yours has dropped so soon as Ov but I'm not sure it really tells us that much, one thing worth noting is that often mine goes up and down on a daily basis and its not until I look back at the chart as a whole I get an diea of wether overall its going up or down.

Regardless of whether you are pregnant or not your temp usually jumps up after ovulation (remember the egg wont fertilise for another 6-12days post ovulation so your body won't yet know) so temp wise the only signs you really get is after AF is due if it hasn't start but temp stays high then thats a sign (but even then be careful cs this month that happened to me convinced myself i was pregnant but i'm not)

Thanks for the advice ladies, I thought it wasn't good the temp was so low! X
Hey well according to my temps I never Ovulated last cycle but I got pregnant so I had to have OVed. I had 1 spike to 36.8 then it went back down the very next day and has been a flat line ever since @ 36.42 It's been that temp for 4 weeks now. I don't think I'll ever use a BBT chart ever again because if you follow the rules strictly I didn't OV that cycle when obviously I did.
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Lizsamuel80, congratulations! What a strange thing and you definitely ovulated! Well I didn't temp over ovulation although I did randomly see a 36.7 temp just a couple days after and now it's back every morning since to 36.1/2 so I believed this to mean it must be that I'm not pregnant. I'm due next week so I guess only time will tell! Good luck with your pregnancy! X
Hey well according to my temps I never Ovulated last cycle but I got pregnant so I had to have OVed. I had 1 spike to 36.8 then it went back down the very next day and has been a flat line ever since @ 36.42 It's been that temp for 4 weeks now. I don't think I'll ever use a BBT chart ever again because if you follow the rules strictly I didn't OV that cycle when obviously I did.

Hiya Liz, have you got a copy of your chart? I want to understand my chart better but have nothing to comapre it to? This month was my first month of charting and I thought it was all making sense but then my cycle was a long 40day cycle then it made much less sense lol xx
Lisasamuel, congrats on the bfp. Sounds like your thermometer is out of battery if your temp has flatlined so long. Apparently flatlining is a sign the battery needs changing.Prob why it didn't pick up ov?x

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