Should the media be controlled?


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2007
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I know there is a fine line here, I guess between controlling the media but still having freedom of speech. I feel like the media sometimes reports things that aren't needed.

As an example of the type of stories I mean: The policeman who killed himself last week, now the headlines are all about some sort of sordid double life he led. Ok he may well of been a loverat but what about his family? Trying to deal with not only his death but all these revelations too. What can it possibly achieve? It's not in the publics interest to know these kind of things.

There are many more examples too but you get my point I hope.

I know I am also at fault, I go onto websites and read this crap too but do we need to start putting some control over what the media report on? :think:
Where is Lou and her opinion when you need her :lol:
it was to a degree wasn't it with sending prince harry over to fight in the 'war'

i don't this it should be controlled, but i do wish they wouldn't word things in a certain way, just to sell more papers.
:think: im not sure. I do find it weird though that when ever something bad happends it all over the news yet when theres something good to report they dont give a poop. The news is so depressing, surely there has to be something good happening in the world? :wall:
Sam&Alice said:
it was to a degree wasn't it with sending prince harry over to fight in the 'war'

That was a good thing tho until the stupid so and so let it get out.... that could have had a Prince Harry and a whole lot of his platoon killed.
Sweetcheeks24 said:
Where is Lou and her opinion when you need her :lol:

Over here :wave:

I've seen some terrible things on the news that I don't think should have been reported, like the bodies of soldiers being dragged through the streets of Iraq then strung up. When you compare that to some loser who cheated on his wife then killed himself it puts things in perspective. So yeah why shouldn't we know about this policeman and what he has been up to, after all he held a senior position of authority and should have been setting an example. If any guidelines should be in place it should be to protect the families of them poor soldiers and also to protect the public from viewing such shocking and disturbing things without warning.
You cant have freedom of speech and then then pick and choose what gets reported....just doesnt work like that. i do wish the media were forced to be more responsible though about how they portray certain things....when it is the truth, its the truth twisted and exaggerated to sell more papers.

Oh if only freedom of speech really was a reality instead a small part of the huge illusion of freedom.
glitzyglamgirl said:
You cant have freedom of speech and then then pick and choose what gets reported....just doesnt work like that. i do wish the media were forced to be more responsible though about how they portray certain things....when it is the truth, its the truth twisted and exaggerated to sell more papers.

Oh if only freedom of speech really was a reality instead a small part of the huge illusion of freedom.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

What's that quote..." a man is born free,but everywhere he walks he is in chains.."

...or something
zebrastripes said:
glitzyglamgirl said:
You cant have freedom of speech and then then pick and choose what gets reported....just doesnt work like that. i do wish the media were forced to be more responsible though about how they portray certain things....when it is the truth, its the truth twisted and exaggerated to sell more papers.

Oh if only freedom of speech really was a reality instead a small part of the huge illusion of freedom.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

What's that quote..." a man is born free,but everywhere he walks he is in chains.."

...or something

Have you two been on the bucket bongs again? :think:
lou said:
zebrastripes said:
glitzyglamgirl said:
You cant have freedom of speech and then then pick and choose what gets reported....just doesnt work like that. i do wish the media were forced to be more responsible though about how they portray certain things....when it is the truth, its the truth twisted and exaggerated to sell more papers.

Oh if only freedom of speech really was a reality instead a small part of the huge illusion of freedom.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

What's that quote..." a man is born free,but everywhere he walks he is in chains.."

...or something

Have you two been on the bucket bongs again? :think:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: gotta say i was thinking wtf!
never!!! otherwise we'd end up like China! The corporations and government would control what we hear (even more than they do now)
sparky said:
never!!! otherwise we'd end up like China! The corporations and government would control what we hear (even more than they do now)

1984 :shock:
Sweetcheeks24 said:
lou said:
zebrastripes said:
glitzyglamgirl said:
You cant have freedom of speech and then then pick and choose what gets reported....just doesnt work like that. i do wish the media were forced to be more responsible though about how they portray certain things....when it is the truth, its the truth twisted and exaggerated to sell more papers.

Oh if only freedom of speech really was a reality instead a small part of the huge illusion of freedom.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

What's that quote..." a man is born free,but everywhere he walks he is in chains.."

...or something

Have you two been on the bucket bongs again? :think:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: gotta say i was thinking wtf! gotta open your mind man.....we are all slaves to the lizard people man its true you just gotta look around with those spiral eyes man see the truth!

hehe :rotfl:
glitzyglamgirl said:
Sweetcheeks24 said:
lou said:
zebrastripes said:
glitzyglamgirl said:
You cant have freedom of speech and then then pick and choose what gets reported....just doesnt work like that. i do wish the media were forced to be more responsible though about how they portray certain things....when it is the truth, its the truth twisted and exaggerated to sell more papers.

Oh if only freedom of speech really was a reality instead a small part of the huge illusion of freedom.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

What's that quote..." a man is born free,but everywhere he walks he is in chains.."

...or something

Have you two been on the bucket bongs again? :think:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: gotta say i was thinking wtf! gotta open your mind man.....we are all slaves to the lizard people man its true you just gotta look around with those spiral eyes man see the truth!

hehe :rotfl:

Just listen to the trees, they always speak the truth...
Oh god not the lizard people again...they're all so elongated...still I prefer them to the blue monkey currently climbing up my wall.....what have I told you,Randolph, don't swing on the lamps... :x
haha twisting my melon havnt heard that for yonks :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Kaz babe, how many times do I have to tell you, you cant talk to never completed the language course in Entish remember doh!!!! Mind you, that damn cactus in my living room has a very odd accent, I can make out some of what he says but its mainly about sand and cowboys....think the poor thing is sexually confused??

Blue monkies you lucky thing I'm still on yellow monkies, havnt progressed to blue yet!!!!
Dude,juast,like,chillax, and feel the love...guns are just an extension of your penis,man.....make love,not war


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