Should I use ovulation strips this month?


Well-Known Member
May 18, 2005
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I've just come off the pill. I had AF as expected after the last packet and then 32 days later, but only lasted 2 days. My cycle used to be very regular, 27 1/2 days! but this was 15 years ago. I'm now 7 days into my second cycle off the pill.

Question is, to those that have come off the pill: Is it likely that I have settled down straight away, or is this cycle likely to be much longer or shorter than the last? IE if I used ov. tests am I likely to pin point ov this month or would I be (ahem) pissing my money away?

I wouldn't bother with the wee-wee sticks just yet Joan. I think it would be a good idea to just let your body settle down for a few months. Some people say that it can take up to a year for your body to settle down after you come off the pill, but even if it only takes a short while, I think it's better to let your body form it's own natural rhythm first before using the sticks.

You might be lucky and find that your body settles down quite quickly but don't be surprised if your AF is all over the place for the first couple of months.

Good luck TTC :P
my normal pattern happened about eight months after coming off the pill. I didn't want to try until I had been off for at least six months as your body can still be a hostile environment for a baby if you try too early. (according to the book i read " taking charge of your fertility")
I was a little naughty and used them anyway. If my cycle was back to normal, I would have expected to ov. on around monday. I got the LH surge on Saturday, so I am right on schedule! Interesting to see if this was a fluke, or if I am going to settle down straight away.

There's lots of hearsay that you should wait, but I can't find any studies that confirm it - and I've got lots of hearsay evidence (friends' children) that it's ok to go for it!

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