Should i? shouldn't i?


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2008
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Hi everyone,
Iv'e read a lot about dopplers recently and just wondering weather i should get one or not.
Could someone give me some imformation on them please and if you think they are worth while or not?
im just worried that if i cant find a heartbeat one day il get paranoid and not give up until i do. is that the case? do you panic when you cant find one?
and do you find them beneficial or is it not worth bothering with?
Thanks for your help :) xx
I LOVE mine, originally was peed off cus onyl OH could find babys heartbeat, so posted on here and found out what he was finding was my heartbeat lol But once everyone explained to me what to look for and where iv never looked back ! SOooo reassuring and the further on you get the easier everything is to find, even though i can feel LO now still like to use it for OH, i love em :cheer:
I have a dopler from a midwife, so it didnt cost me anything, i found it very helpful in first tri, once i could feel my uterus outta my pubice bone i could find the heart beat and i could hear my placenta working from very early on.

Not its good if she has a quite day (which had only been once or twice lol) as i can pop the dopler on and i know shes ok and just being lazy

Not sure if id have paid for one though.
I got one a couple of weeks ago and so pleased I did. It's great reassurance that everythings cooking away nicely in there!

I got this one on ebay. Didn't break the bank and it arrived the next day.

After finding my own heartbeat and thinking it was LO, I eventually picked up babies! After finding it once I knew pretty much where to place it the next time. It's great for a little reassurance and has definitely made me feel much closer to LO.

Sarah x

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