What do you think of Dopplers?


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2007
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Ive been thinking of getting myself a Doppler so I can hear my babys heartbeat, ive been so paraniod since i found out i was pregnant that Im hoping this with reassure me a little more.

How early can you start using them? How easy is it to find the babys heartbeat?

If there are a few different Dopplers, which one would you get?

Tiggy xxx
I used one in my last pregnancy, i heard a heart beat from 10 wks. They are great, but i convinced myself i was having twins cos you sometimes get an echo that can sound like 2 heartbeats! I had a bestman bf500 which wasn't that great, quite crackly and hard to locate the heart beat. if i get one this time I'm going to get one with a fhr display. I also had one of the cheap ones with my first pregnancy, the kind that you hold the whole thing on your stomach and comes with headphones, but i definately wouldn't recommend those, they're rubbish.
They are fantastic! I've got a High Bebe BT200 and it was £50.00 off ebay.

I got it at just after 14 weeks and found the heartbeat after some messing around and perseverance, once you've found it once you know the area to try again so you can usually find it quite quickly. Ive had problems the past few days as little one has been moving loads so heartbeat goes louder and quieter as he/she is wriggling hehe :)

Hope that helps
I love my doppler and would recommed the angel sounds. I heard my baby's heart beat just before 12 weeks.

It cost me £40 new but you can get them a lot cheaper from e-bay. xxx
off 2 get one now... ebay here i come, wanted to get one but didnt know which to get, ive heard a lot of gd reports about the angel sounds one tho, so think i'll try that will let u know how i get on with it :D
The one ive got is fantastic too, a little bit more expensive but I chose it as it has a speaker so my OH can listen at the same time too :) If u want a link let me know x
Well i got my doppler thru the post yesterday and used it last night and it was well worth the money, i got an angel sounds one and would definately recommend it, it has 2 headphone sockets so you can both listen at the same time. it took us hardly any time to find the heartbeat and it came thru nice n clear, played about and listened to mine n OH's too lol

I thought it might not work as im not the smallest of girls and it had podge to get thru but woirked just fine :cheer: went to sleep with a very contented smile on my face last night :D

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