Should I see mw again?


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2011
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I saw mw on mon and was told to call hospital should I go 10 days over, she didn't say to make an appointment or anything before then?
Just wondered if I should be seeing anyone inbetween?
Did she not arrange to see you at 41 weeks for a sweep?

I have to go to the hospital at 41 weeks for a sweep and book induction, but that is because of my previous labour and the complications that arose, but otherwise I would assume it would all be done with midwife.

Think they normally sweep you at 41 weeks and book your induction for 42 weeks.

Do you have a specific MW or community team? We can either book appointments or go to the clinic on that day for drop-in - which generally means waiting about 2/3+ hours if you don't book :wall2: But I would probably do that at 41 weeks and beg for a sweep lol

Hopefully something will start for you soon though, and sorry for the ramble lol xxxx
My MW told me she sees me at 40 weeks for sweep and then 41 if nothin has happened for sweep and book induction. In my notes it tells me when I should see MW and what happens at each appt xx
Im seeing my mw weds (39+4) and having a sweep, im booked in for 40+4 too but nothing after that yet xxx
Yes i had midwife at 39+5 for sweep and will go again at 40+5 for sweep and book induction. xx
Ah It's all so confusing!! I dot see the same
Mw and it's pretty inconsistent to be honest? I called the midwifes at the hospital but I don't know if it was a midwife who answered the phone at the anntenal department as she said they were not open?!? Maybe I should call again Monday to see?
I think it's different everywhere! We have sweep at 40 weeks with MW and book induction at 41 weeks at hospital!
ye it does seem so different everywhere, i would phone again on monday to double check and just say they have not made it very clear on what you are meant to be doing!

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